NCAR 1987 On Global Warming : “Canada might rival the Soviet Union as the world’s most powerful nation”

The consequences could be daunting. Says National Center for Atmospheric Research’s Francis Bretherton: “Suppose it’s August in New York City. The temperature is 95 degrees; the humidity is 95%. The heat wave started on July 4 and will continue through Labor Day.” While warmer temperatures might boost the fish catch in Alaska and lumber harvests in the Pacific Northwest, he says, the Great Plains could become a dust bowl; people would move north in search of food and jobs, and Canada might rival the Soviet Union as the world’s most powerful nation. Bretherton admits that his scenario is speculative. But, he says, “the climate changes underlying it are consistent with what we believe may happen.”,9171,965776-6,00.html

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to NCAR 1987 On Global Warming : “Canada might rival the Soviet Union as the world’s most powerful nation”

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Many Canadians have drank the global warming Kool Aide, even though they obviously stand to be the big winners in a warming world. I guess they are happy to be the underpopulated ice box that they are.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    What a difference twelve years makes! Even less! Today they say it is not possible to determine a trend with less than 30 years of data and they really do not yet have a full 30 years of warming without “Proper” Manipulations!!

  3. pwl says:

    My igloo is still made of ice. It would be good for it to melt so I can build a brick house. [:)]

    Yes many Canadians have drunk of the CAGW Kool Aide… too many but not all of us. Some of us actually recognize that using one thermometer in Eureka isn’t a valid means of measuring the temperature of an area 1200km radius, we’re having none-of-it. [:)].

    Most Canadians also a sensible bunch and recognize political agendas and propaganda.

    In British Columbia Big Brother has put a Carbon Tax on Gasoline… now they are about to triple that and add a per ton carbon tax on industrial emitters and a carbon soot tax. Obviously not enough people in BC are Kool Aide free.

    Having lived in Edmonton for nine very cold years in the 1970’s where it got to -46c without wind chill and up to 35c in the summer I can say without a doubt that (1) humans can adapt to living in a wide range of temperatures spanning 79c or more, (2) humans prefer warmth over cold, (3) Canada would be much nicer in the winter with this alleged global warming, too bad a warm tropical Canada is just a fantasy, (4) that even if it warms up 20c a temperature of -20c is still frigging cold, (5) if we want a Tropical Canada we really need to adopt Turks and Caicos Islands ( as part of Canada which would really raise the average temperature for wintering Canadians! [:)]

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