Connecticut Town Wants To Reduce CO2 Emissions To Save Themselves From Sea Level Rise

“To those who think climate change is something for the future,” the report states, “let’s be clear that today we already face a clear and present danger in Groton from hurricanes and major nor’easter storms.

The most important actions the town should take involve increasing energy efficiency to reduce the town’s output of greenhouse gases that are the main drivers of climate change, and preparing for a sea level rise that threatens to flood coastal neighborhoods, the report states.

There can be little doubt that emissions from the cars of of Groton, Connecticut control the formation of hurricanes in the Atlantic. And it has been 20 years since a hurricane (Bob category 2) hit Connecticut, but no doubt things will pick up in the future.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Connecticut Town Wants To Reduce CO2 Emissions To Save Themselves From Sea Level Rise

  1. Justa Joe says:

    It seem like the powers that be in the AGW movement have instructed that all AGW propaganda published most include a statement that the dangers of AGW are appearing NOW. One of their AGW “think” tanks must have determined that people won’t be sufficiently alarmed if all dangers are in the relatively distant future. The edict has come down to present the impending catastrophe(s) of AGW as immediate no matter how absurd.

  2. Juergen says:

    The task force has asked the town to hire a consultant to find ways to conserve energy that can be adopted in the town’s 60 buildings.
    Great. that’s job creation Not a lot but anything counts.

    “We think this is crucial,” Steever said. “We’re missing the opportunity” to tap grants currently available.
    This sound more like money and is secondary a job creation program.

    • Justa Joe says:

      Oh yeah… “green” jobs

      The green job is more like green overhead. It is an unproductive job that must be financed by the dwindling productive jobs, and the task of the green job is to put more burden and regulation on the ability of the remaining real jobs to be productive. It’s a win/win for the left

  3. truthsword says:

    I am amazed at the amount of people stuck on stupid in this country, no wonder third world countries are doing better at math and such that the U.S.

  4. Blade says:

    Connecticut Town Wants To Reduce CO2 Emissions To Save Themselves From Sea Level Rise

    Yeah right! The proud home of Electric Boat! The builders and maintainers of Ohio class and almost all others. I bet they’re just shaking in fear at sea level rise! LOL! Far more likely is that some of the patriots working at EB made the mistake of breeding with the locals and had retarded sissy children who watched the Algore film.

    Ignore those stupid baby boomers. Wiki pic of a real boomer.

    Jeez! The sea level rises each time one of those monsters leave dry dock.

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