NYT 1884 : Humans Blamed For Glacial Retreat In The Alps


h/t to GORE LIED

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to NYT 1884 : Humans Blamed For Glacial Retreat In The Alps

  1. glacierman says:

    We were capable of doing that……before SUVs were invented. Wow. I really thought it was the SUVs. Maybe the horses had some serious methane producing oats back then.

  2. truthsword says:

    We have said all along, and this is just more proof, that man causes all earth variation. Thank you for helping us spread the word that man is a pox on earth and it is time to resolve that issue for earth.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    To many Negative thoughts by the Chicken Little Brigade are causing the extreme weather. If it was not for the “Climatologists” there would be no unprecedented weather events as they would all be considered part of the natural variables that regional weather patterns display. It was not until people started complaining about the weather that these extremes happened!!!!

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