Puffington Host Not Sure If Global Warming Is Worse Than Nuclear War


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Puffington Host Not Sure If Global Warming Is Worse Than Nuclear War

  1. suyts says:

    In best captain Kirk voice possible……

    Must …….resist……..urge……..to ……read…..idiotic……article……brain……is……igniting……by

    sigh, so to these imbeciles. After the soot subsides, what then? Did the energy magically disappear? Why can’t they get beyond their linear thinking? I guess 2 dimensions are all some can handle.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Why obsess about global warming when setting off a few nukes can negate the entire process? Don’t worry, be happy!

  3. Me says:

    Only a greenie would think of something like this. It’s time they should be taken out to the trash, I say. What a bunch of idiots.

  4. Les Francis says:

    The 1961Tsar Bomba Russian test of 50megaton was the largest nuclear explosion ever made.
    The energy output was computed to be about one quarter of the size of the eruption of Krakatau 1883.
    Krakatau affected the 1883/4 weather by very little as say by comparison to Tambora 1815. The Tambora event (VEI 7) was a far than Krakatau (VEI 6)

    This would extrapolate into a requiring a devastating nuclear war with nuclear weapons of a size that no country possesses or have the means of delivering. I have trouble imagining the superpowers ramping up some 500megaton+ weapons and firing at each other.

    • I’m far more concerned about dirty bomb in a back pack left in a busy location like the subway, or a mall. And the potential of biological warfare in a big city.

      • Les Francis says:

        It might be naturally occurring biological warfare also.

        At one stage during the Soviet nuke program they were setting off bombs just to see how big a hole they could blow in the ground – no scientific merit at all. Ridiculous.
        U.S.S.R. – big holes – U.S. – small holes – oh the irony.

  5. omnologos says:

    first Genghis Khan then this …shall we hit the panic button?

  6. Ira says:

    am I the only one here old enough to remember all the talk about “nuclear winter” in the very early 1980s?

  7. Ralph says:

    So the countries that are at war would know when to stop fighting to get the world at just the correct temperature?
    Whoever thought nuclear war might save the world from AGW needs to go play with their computer models and leave the real world to the adults.

    • ChrisD says:

      Whoever thought nuclear war might save the world from AGW needs to go play with their computer models and leave the real world to the adults.

      Nobody thought that aside from, apparently, the anonymous HuffPo author. It’s just a stunningly stupid article that doesn’t reflect the actual point of the study.

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