Global Warming Targets Taiwan

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Global Warming Targets Taiwan

  1. Neil says:

    It never ceases to amaze me that no matter what country it is, they are all warming at twice the global average.

  2. Ivan says:

    “Remarkably, the two periods of most frequent typhoon strikes in Guangdong (AD 1660-1680, 1850-1880) coincide with two of the coldest and driest periods in northern and central China during the Little Ice Age. ”

  3. Mike Davis says:

    Western Pacific tropics places Taiwan under the influence of the PDO long term ocean atmosphere variable weather pattern with an approximate cycle time of 60 years. A warming in the west pacific over the last thirty years is consistent with the PDO phase and they should have increase typhoons lately because of the recent phase shift to cooling which provides more energy for typhoons! The island is in Typhoon Alley!

  4. If the money was to leave global warming the world would stop seeing these reports.

  5. Nonoy Oplas says:

    Global warming also targeted Japan, China, S. Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Pakistan,

  6. So even global warming is made in Taiwan.

  7. Andy Weiss says:

    It would be more newsworthy if Taiwan stopped getting typhoons.

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