Boy Survives Fall Off The Golden Gate Bridge

A California high school pupil visiting the Golden Gate Bridge on a field trip climbed over a railing, jumped – possibly on a dare by fellow classmates – and somehow survived the 220-foot plunge into San Francisco Bay …  he suffered no severe injuries beyond bruising and tenderness. He was rescued by a surfer who paddled over and took him ashore,

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Boy Survives Fall Off The Golden Gate Bridge

  1. MikeTheDenier says:

    Fall??? The idiot jumped!!!!!!

    • PhilJourdan says:

      Exactly – Unless you are Minute Bol, there is no way for anyone to “fall” off the bridge (unless working under it). I use to cross it twice a day on my way to and from school back in the early 70s. The railing is about 5 feet high and the bars are about a foot apart (so you can crawl through them if you are skinny enough).

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