Boomerang Back To The Alarmists

Their words coming back to haunt them.

The impact of global warming in North America


7. Glasgow, Montana — No sub-zero days, 1997. For the first time ever, temperatures remained above 0F (-17.8C) in December. The average temperature was 10.9F (6C) above normal.

If that is true, then there has been spectacular cooling over the last 13 years.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Boomerang Back To The Alarmists

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Now that cold is also blamed on global warming, they have all bases covered.

    • PhilJourdan says:

      The more people out of work – the more they are dependent upon the government and are ready made democrats.

      Pelosi said that unemployment helped the economy – I guess they are just giving it a boost.

      • suyts says:

        lol, yeh if our unemployment would just take another jump we’ll have smooth sailing from here on…………. and people wonder why we’re in the shape we’re in.

  2. suyts says:

    This was explained to me by an alarmist friend. You see our efforts are already paying off!!! This is prolly because Europe’s carbon tax scheme! Thanks guys!!

  3. Paul H says:


    Well if they make things nobody wants, what do they expect?

  4. YEP says:

    Should have compared December only, not December 1 to March 11. January and February are colder than December usually.

    December daily max temperatures did fall below 0 F, but not as much and only for a couple of days (see below). Not as dramatic, but best to stick to proper comparisons. No reason to open yourself up to charges of data manipulation.

    December 2010 (Max Avg Min)

    Max Temperature 40 °F 18 °F -5 °F
    Mean Temperature 29 °F 10 °F -14 °F
    Min Temperature 18 °F 2 °F -23 °F

  5. YEP says:

    Of course 2011 so far has been much colder than usual.

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