Reading Between The Lines Of A Crawldown

What they mean : “It had nothing to do with global warming.”

What they mean : “We jumped to conclusions prematurely.”

What they mean : “The breakup was mechanical, not thermal.”

What they mean : “The professor acknowledges that his funding will get cut off by NASA if he doesn’t make some gratuitous, unsupported statement blaming it on global warming.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Reading Between The Lines Of A Crawldown

  1. mkelly says:

    I have put forth before on various blogs that cantilever stress needs to be accounted for when these types of breakages take places.

  2. Blade says:

    Good one Steve. This translation idea (the subtle but clear format you utilized) should be trademarked and re-used over and over.

  3. Edward says:

    //gratuitous, unsupported statement blaming it on global warming.//

    Designing and crafting a hypothesis and linking it to AGW is the way to receive government funding in academia these days isn’t it? That’s how it works, the system is bent.
    Trouble is, how do you prove a non existent ‘forcing’ process? Computers, statistics and Temperature manipulations, that’s how.

    Science prostituted, substituted for a nebulous political fiction, how shaming is that?

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