1890 : New York Times Worried About Global Warming


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to 1890 : New York Times Worried About Global Warming

  1. Blade says:

    Another great find Steve. Here they were in 1890 maybe a decade into a warming rebound from centuries of LIA coolness and the alarm bells are already ringing (presumably the winter of 1888 was already sucked down the memory hole).

    Not sure they mean by the ice crop

    “The succession of temperate Summers and open Winters through several years, culminating last Winter in the almost total failure of the ice crop throughout the valley of the Hudson, makes the question pertinent.”

    I am guessing that refers to the tidy little business that many people did (including my grandfather and his predecessors) by carving up ice from the river and delivering it to people for refrigeration. If that is not what they are talking about, then they may be lamenting that ships were able to navigate the rivers without getting stuck in ice?

    Also note another warm Greenland mention.

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