1994 : Time Magazine Warned Of A Coming Ice Age


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 1994 : Time Magazine Warned Of A Coming Ice Age

  1. Mike Bromley says:

    Another one of those 145-year-old disorganized jet-streams, I guess.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Like any other records, weather records are made to be broken. Just because it’s very hot or very cold on any given day doesn’t mean there is something wrong with the climate.

  3. gofer says:

    That’s the head-scratching thing….they seem to believe there should never or never has been extremes. If you mention this, they will say..”but they are happening more often”….which is easily disproven. It’s never been about the weather, it’s about clamping down on those “greedy, profit-making corps.” There’s a hundred different agendas behind global warming, so no need for a “conspiracy”, just a bandwagon which a lot of people jumped on with their agenda in tow.

    As the climate continues to cool….watch them “morph” into a ice-age scare once again.

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