Schwarzenegger: It’s Time to Terminate Skepticism on Climate Change

I’ll be back after California drowns.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a room full of scientists, and with a slate of Nobel Prize winners and bureaucrats scheduled to speak, it took a movie star to demand that everyone stop playing make-believe. Giving the keynote address at the APRA-E Energy Innovation Summit here today (March 1), Arnold Schwarzenegger issued forth a call to end the false debate over climate science, to stop assuming China will provide new green tech cheaper and faster than the United States, and to stop pretending that global warming won’t affect people for decades.

Using analogies to leverage every aspect of his history, Schwarzenegger made the case that transitioning to a green economy, fixing the environment and ending political stalemate over carbon legislation fell well within the power of today’s technology and today’s political climate.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Schwarzenegger: It’s Time to Terminate Skepticism on Climate Change

  1. suyts says:

    Well, the moron did actually say something right,

    “…stop assuming China will provide new green tech cheaper and faster than the United States..”

    The economic damage done to the U.S. by having China make our windmills pinwheels and whirlygigs is devastating. I’d would have thought about it for a minute if we’d fired up some of those steel mills and put people back to work. Instead, our GDP takes a hit.

    • Dave N says:

      I thought most windmills in the US came from Germany.. or is that just the ones that don’t break as fast as the others?

  2. Tourist in Chief says:

    Someone should point out to Conan the Pinhead that China will only make windmills for green nitwits who will pay for them. For themselves, they go straight for the big guns: Coal, Hydro, Nukes. A true Industrial society cannot fiddle with folly.

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