Washington Blossoms Past Peak And Early In The Blooming Process – At The Same Time


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Washington Blossoms Past Peak And Early In The Blooming Process – At The Same Time

  1. Latitude says:

    and springs will be earlier…

    …and snow will be a thing of the past

    • Jimbo says:

      You do realise that global warming causes warmer and colder winters. It even causes average winters. Just wait until we get a run of mild NH winters – it will be blamed on global warming. No contradiction there. AGW is unfalsifiable non-science.

  2. bubbagyro says:

    Warm-cold will also increase the population of the hideous man-bear-pig.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    Typical of spring in DC. False spring in late February and early March, but then when real spring comes, the weather turns cold and lousy.

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