1938 : Melting Ice Caps To Raise Sea Level 100 Feet

CO2 was a very safe 310 ppm at the time.


h/t to glacierman

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 1938 : Melting Ice Caps To Raise Sea Level 100 Feet

  1. Latitude says:

    who’d a thunk it…

    …sea level has risen over 6 inches since 1938

  2. anonymous says:

    I think we should just nuke the icecaps with H-Bombs and do the same with greenland’s ice and raise the sea level as high as possible. We should not even have Mt. Everest less than 10 miles below sea level. If melting the icecaps wont do it, then how about heating the earth’s atmosphere so that all hydrogen and oxygen molecules become water.

    • anonymous says:

      then the result would be a nuclear winter to freeze the ocean. The goal: global extinction of all life possible.

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