Brits Rate Global Warming Concern Lower Than Garbage

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Brits Rate Global Warming Concern Lower Than Garbage

  1. suyts says:

    It might have something to do with the reality of cold kicking the Brit’s behind, climategate e-mails, and the whirlygigs not delivering as promised. In other words, their sick of being lied to, manipulated, and freezing their arse off. Yeh, their probably fatigued.

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      “fatigued”, I think they really meant “sick and tired”


    • Jimbo says:

      Someone once said that sceptics have the weather and time on their side. This is one projection that so far appears to be unfolding. 😉

      • Jimbo says:

        On the issue of ‘lies’ people in the UK were told repeatedly to expect milder winters by the Met Office calamatologists. This has been shown to be clearly false. 🙂

  2. Latitude says:

    They didn’t mention climategate as a reason…………

  3. dp says:

    The Barbecue Index doesn’t lie:

    This is Seattle – what is it like in your home town?

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