Shock News : Plants Moved A Few Feet

Researchers at the University of Granada Department of Botanic have participated in an international study that has confirmed that global warming is causing plants to migrate to higher altitudes. The study –recently published in Science– analyzed species diversity shifts in 66 summits of 17 European ranges between 2001 and 2008.

In the Iberian Peninsula, two target regions were selected in the Pyrenees (Ordesa) and Sierra Nevada (Granada). Researchers found that the species under study had migrated an average of 2.7m upwards. “This finding confirms the hypothesis that a rise in temperatures drives Alpine flora to migrate upwards. As a result, rival species are threatened by competitors, which are migrating to higher altitudes. These changes pose a threat to high-mountain ecosystems in the long and medium term” the authors state.

Global warming has driven Europe’s mountain plants to migrate 2.7 meters upwards in 7 years | Science Codex

Charles Darwin introduced the idea that competition, stress, climate change and natural selection were critically important to evolution – but the imbeciles in the global warming community don’t actually understand anything about science.

When the Beagle docked at land Charles was free to explore! He set about testing Lyell’s idea, in his five years abroad he witnessed earthquakes and volcanoes, and found fossils of seashells on top of the world’s biggest mountains. Everything he saw convinced Charles that Lyell was right, so he started thinking about life as being very old and possibly changing slowly over time.

When Darwin came home he started thinking about how animals and plants change through time. He thought that maybe, different types of animals and plants could change…they could evolve! And he thought he knew why. Charles saw that individual animals and plants compete with each other for food, water and space: the things they need to live. They’re fighting for their lives!

Charles Darwin & Evolution

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Shock News : Plants Moved A Few Feet

  1. miked1947 says:

    Survival of the fittest is what evolution is all about. This research denies other forms of real science. If the morons had studied real science and history they would have seen this relocation is common throughout the history of the biosphere. There are fossil trees and tree stumps where trees can not grow today because it is to friggen cold.
    Warmth increases biodiversity and cold restricts it!

  2. Robertvdl says:

    Talking about Spain

    Sniace SA, a Spanish maker of wood- based products that’s expanding in renewable energy.
    Sniace, founded in 1939, expects revenue from renewable energy to account for 80 percent of sales by 2014, compared with about a third last year.
    Compared with Sniace’s other businesses, renewable energy is “more stable and regular, as demand is more inelastic.
    The company is seeking opportunities to invest in renewable energy in countries such as Colombia, Brazil and the U.S.

    Let’s see the stock market. IBEX

    Looks good, down -47,46 % one year.

    Working there must me great.

    Negotiations on the new collective agreement in Sniace were broken yesterday morning, after the company’s proposal to lower the wages by 10%.
    Las negociaciones sobre el nuevo convenio colectivo en Sniace quedaron rotas en la mañana de ayer, tras la propuesta de la empresa de rebajar los salarios de los trabajadores un 10 %,


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