A Whole New Atmosphere Strikes Ohio

A few weeks ago, Jeff Masters told us that global warming had finally taken over the Eastern US, once and for all. He described it as a “whole new atmosphere.”

Posted: 05/02/2012

By: Mark Johnson, newsnet5.com
CLEVELAND – It was what grape growers in Northern Ohio feared the most. Early Sunday morning, temperatures in the Grand River Valley vineyards of Lake and Ashtabula Counties dropped into the lower and middle 20s. That’s not just a quick frost. That’s a hard freeze. By 9 that morning, most of the primary buds, the growth that gives you the best fruit, were black and shriveled, killed by freezing temperatures.

“Fields that froze this week have not frozen in 50-60 years in our area.” he added, “In my case I just bought 54 acres of a neighboring farm last year that has never really frozen like this. The previous owner is 93 years old and has owned the farm I bought since 1956 and never experienced this complete a frost.”

Northeast Ohio wine grapes ‘devastated’ by hard freeze

h/t to Steven Worley

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to A Whole New Atmosphere Strikes Ohio

  1. Oldcrow says:

    Jeff Masters is awesome when hurricane season rolls around, I live in the Florida panhandle and rely on his blogs for info however, he has bought into the AGW hoax hook line and sinker so I ignore anything else he has to say.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    “Fields that froze this week have not frozen in 50-60 years in our area.”

    So, this shows climate change. To reduce these types of freezings, we need to radically cut CO2 emissions, like back to 1867 per capita use levels (an 83% cut) as dictated by the 2009 cap & trade bill that passed the U.S. House.

    Reduce CO2 to reduce global freezing!

    Reduce global freezing, and at the same time reduce global warming. Kill two birds with one draconian CO2 reduction plan! Back to the stone age perhaps, but the climate would not change. Perfect temperatures for all, no need for air conditioning or heating; and that’s fortunate, as we wouldn’t have the energy for those wasteful extravagances.

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