Obama’s New Campaign Theme : “Michelle Likes Our House And Doesn’t Want To Move”

Obama’s opening salvo: Hope, change and fear

Barack Obama once wanted to “Win the Future.” Now he’s just hoping to get there.

the force of the president’s new argument is not so much that Americans could achieve greatness but that they must lock arms to keep Mitt Romney from dragging the country back to a dark past.

Obama’s opening salvo: Hope, change and fear – Political Hotsheet – CBS News

By “dark past” Obama means a time when Americans actually had jobs.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama’s New Campaign Theme : “Michelle Likes Our House And Doesn’t Want To Move”

  1. kbray in california says:

    I would chip in to have that White house jacked up and moved by flatbed to South Chicago asap.
    Michelle would not even have to pack.
    Maybe she wouldn’t even notice.
    Anything to get them out of there.
    They can keep the house, just go home.
    He is ignoring the country’s death spiral.
    One scary POTUS he is.
    May the dark be the past.

  2. Latitude says:

    Mao, Lenin and a century of Marxist radicals: The controversial origins of Obama’s new campaign slogan ‘Forward’

    He is no stranger to accusations of being a Communist.

    And Barack Obama did himself no favours today unveiling a new campaign slogan that critics say has unfortunate similarities to ones used by Chairman Mao and other Communists.

    It has been used as the title of a large number of socialist publications, reflecting the Marxist conviction that the triumph of their ideology was an inevitable part of the progress of history.

    One magazine with the title was the mouthpiece of the Communist League in the 19th century, associated with Communist trailblazers Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.


  3. Latitude says:

    New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism

    The Obama campaign apparently didn’t look backwards into history when selecting its new campaign slogan, “Forward” — a word with a long and rich association with European Marxism.

    Many Communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name “Forward!” or its foreign cognates. Wikipedia has an entire section called “Forward (generic name of socialist publications).”

    “The name Forward carries a special meaning in socialist political terminology. It has been frequently used as a name for socialist, communist and other left-wing newspapers and publications,” the online encyclopedia explains.

    The slogan “Forward!” reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism


  4. Robertvdl says:

    ‘To know your future you must know your past’

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