Full Stupid In Wyoming

Celebration aims to connect residents with global warming

Four current University of Wyoming professors and one retired UW professor have signed on to a local effort to promote limiting global warming through community action, and will begin to take action today with a celebration beginning at 5 p.m. at the UW Visual Arts Center.

Nobel prize winners Jason Shogren, professor of economics and finance, and Gabor Vali, a retired professor in atmospheric science joined together with three other atmospheric science professors at UW — Terry Deshler, Bart Geerts and Derek Montague — to sign a statement announcing the formation of 350.org in Laramie.

“The number 350 parts per million, is the CO2 concentration in 1987, the year the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer was signed, and represents a target that, if achieved, would ensure climate stability for future generations,” the statement reads.

Celebration aims to connect residents with global warming | Laramie Boomerang | Laramie, Wyoming

There is a massive amount of empirical evidence which tells us that the climate was not stable below 350 ppm. Perhaps these geniuses would have preferred the 1930s?

According to IPCC models, if everyone in Wyoming traded in their pickup truck for a hybrid, it would slow global warming by about 0.00000001 degrees.

Are college professors in atmospheric sciences actually as stupid as they pretend to be?

29 Mar 1935 – CAUGHT IN DROUGHT CLUTCHES. Mountainous Columns …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Full Stupid In Wyoming

  1. squid says:

    What a tragedy, The University of Wyoming was once home to Dr. Augie Auer, one of the the greats in classical paleoclimatology and a well known emperical scientist who did not the believe the evidence supported the theory of CAGW. His students, including Wyoming’s state climatologist, have carried on his tradition of believing in direct observation over models or unquestioning groupthink. Dr. Auer would turn over in his grave if he could hear about this unmitigated tripe.

  2. Wyguy says:

    Wow, I thought we were smarter than that here. I guess I’ll send my children somewhere else to get educated.

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