Global Warming Essay Quiz

We learned this week that climate change can be caused by either dinosaur farts or by evil white pedophile males. In 100 words or less, how do you distinguish between dinosaur fart climate change, and white male pedophile climate change?

Extra credit. Are dinosaur farts a thing of the past?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Global Warming Essay Quiz

  1. suyts says:

    I can only answer the extra credit one. 🙁
    But, dinosaur farts will be a thing of the past, unless NOAA does their resuscitation trick. In which case, we’re doomed if that happens.

  2. Me says:

    PSU??? Maybeeee??? I dont know but they were both dinosaur farts in Me opinion!

  3. John Greenfraud says:

    Climate change is definitely caused by evil white pedophile males. One of them goes by the nickname ‘crazed sex-poodle’. Don’t underestimate the effect of MannBearPig farts on global warming either. The extra credit portion is a trick question, the Dinosaurs committed suicide to save mother earth…..those glorious bastards.

  4. Marian says:

    We need to clone dinosaurs so the climate can go back to the nice ‘tropical’ like conditions of the era. 🙂

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