The Very High Price Of Green Stupidity

Germany is on the brink of an energy catastrophe, while California is on the brink of financial collapse. Both places chose to replace rational thought with green fog.

Germany has escaped several times last winter just large-scale power outages. In the next, possibly more severe winter, the risk of large blackouts is even greater

The culprit is the single most important instrument of German energy policy: the “Renewable Energy Law“, in short EEG. It stipulates the priority of green electricity supply. What was once useful as an aid to market introduction of wind and solar power was, today, 12 years later, disastrous side effects.

Power supply: Germany facing a winter disaster – World News The move – WELT ONLINE

Meanwhile, Jerry Brown has managed to double the state budget deficit, with his policy of trying to steal $15 billion/year in CO2 taxes.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to The Very High Price Of Green Stupidity

  1. ralphcramdo says:

    Brown hasn’t done a thing to stop the bullet train fiasco.

    Gov. Brown looks to global warming fees to pay for high-speed rail

  2. suyts says:

    Lol, well, the dumbasses elected moonbeam again, they should have known what they were getting.

  3. nigelf says:

    Good for Germany and California, they’re getting exactly what they deserve by voting so stupidly.
    Here in Ontario we’re getting the same thing. Voter stupidity is tripling the price of electricity because of the green hysteria. The unfortunate part is that sane people like me can’t isolate ourselves from the mass stupidity.
    Did I mention how stupid this all is?

    • Shooter says:

      As a fellow Ontarian, I know the drill. Canada isn’t as keen on green as it once was, since we stepped out of the Kyoto Protocol. We still need to grow more balls and actually kick these greenies out. It’s all a matter of time.

  4. Sundance says:

    Mother Jones a far left wing progressive rag in SF had an article last week about the Chinese virtual monopoly control over the world supply of rare earth elements (REEs). The California ramp up of solar and wind benefits primarily the Chinese beacause they have banned REE exports to the USA and most base solar panel and wind turbine components are manufactured mostly in China. While progress is being made in the USA to design wind and solar componets that can be built without REEs at a far cheaper price than REE designs, we are not yet there. Until we are there and wind and solar are 100% USA built and cost competitive without feed in tarrifs or taxing competing sources of energy to raise their cost, we are only helping China’s economy with green energy.

  5. Shooter says:

    The same thing happened with the Treaty of Versailles. Except this time, Germany is not the industrial nation it once was, and its people are no longer intelligent. Save for the select few.

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