Joe Romm Backtracks On The Permanent Drought

Last summer, Joe Romm declared the official beginning of the permanent southwest drought. I just spoke with my mother in New Mexico, who told me that it “has been raining so much – it looks like the Garden of Eden

That didn’t work out too well for him, so Joe has backtracked. Now he is promising a permanent drought sometime in the future, based on a careful study of his own writing.

James Hansen Is Correct About Catastrophic Projections For U.S. Drought If We Don’t Act Now

By Joe Romm on May 13, 2012 at 12:33 pm

The response by NOAA’s Martin Hoerling to James Hansen’s recent op-ed does not reflect the scientific literature.

I’m traveling, so let me focus first on Hoerling’s incorrect statements — posted on this blog and DotEarth — about drought. As readers know, the journal Nature asked me to write a Comment piece on the threat posed by drought after they read one of my posts examining the latest science on prolonged drought and “Dust-Bowlification.

The only permanent drought is the lack of hair on his head, and lack of clarity between his ears. The PMDI shows no trend in US southwest drought. The worst droughts were in the first decade of the previous century.

Southwest, Palmer Modified Drought Index (PMDI), January-December 1895-2011

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Joe Romm Backtracks On The Permanent Drought

  1. Latitude says:



  2. Billy Liar says:

    based on a careful study of his own writing …

    Does the man behind the curtain tell him what to write?

  3. “Now he is promising a permanent drought sometime in the future, based on a careful study of his own writing.”

    That’s gold…

  4. An unusually strong post on Jo Romm at Roger Pielke Jr.’s Blog:

    “Joe Romm is a Liar
    Sorry to say it so bluntly, but it is true. Joe Romm has falsely claimed that I am an “official expert for Heartland.” This is a lie. I have absolutely no relationship with Heartland — never have, never will. Period.

    Romm’s efforts to smear by association are ironic given the lashing that Heartland just got for doing exactly the same thing. But irony has never registered high on Joe’s awareness-meter. There is no lower form of “debate” than trying to sully someone’s character by outright lying. And it is not the first time Joe has lied about me.

    Joe Romm and the Center for American Progress should be ashamed of themselves for engaging in such tactics. Can’t they engage a policy debate on its merits? Apparently not.”

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