Still Waiting To Hear Fromm Romm/Dessler

Last summer, Joe Romm and Andrew Dessler declared that Texas was in a permanent man-made drought, and that Rick Perry was pure evil for saying that the rains would return.

Intellicast – Weekly Precipitation in United States

Curious that they haven’t apologized for their world class stupidity.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Still Waiting To Hear Fromm Romm/Dessler

  1. Lou says:

    They just keep rolling in, huh? I must admit it’s nice. Reminds me of 2007 after suffering the worst drought in Dallas-Ft Worth in history during 2005-2006. Rain just kept coming and coming. Unfortunately, it stopped in July or August and central Texas went back to severe drought during 2008-2009. Pretty much feast or famine every couple years.

  2. dcb283 says:

    I haven’t seen a Texas May this mild since 1980 when I was a Senior in high school.

  3. Adam Gallon says:

    Is it “Pissing it down” by any chance?
    Similar things here in the UK, drought, doom, gloom, hosepipe bans, no chance of any rainfall refilling reservoirs etc.
    Well, after the wettest April on record……

  4. Dave N says:

    If they are yet to attempt to blame the wet on AGW, they soon will. Expect the wording to include “weirding”.

  5. Australia’s chief Climate Commissioner/”scientist” when asked about a report he was peddling announcing that global warming would cause increased cases of madness (that is why, proportionally, serial killers are found mainly on tropical island resorts), admitted to the press in private that he thought the claims were rubbish and he didn’t believe them himself, but they need to keep finding new ways to get the public’s attention…

  6. Don Gaddes says:

    America is now entering a Two Solar/Earth Year ‘Wet’/Normal Period (30 degrees longitude/month with the westward orbit of Earth’s Magnetic Field) as predicted by Alex S Gaddes in his book ‘Tomorrow’s Weather’ (1990.) Europe and most of Asia are already experiencing this phase. Australia is five months into a One Solar/Earth Year ‘Dry’ Cycle. An updated version of the above work (with ‘Dry’ Cycle forecasts to 2055,) is available as a free pdf from [email protected]

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