Arctic Ice Area Almost Identical To 1990

If you simply submit to UN authority, world socialism and confiscation of your freedom and paycheck, you can stop this travesty in the Arctic.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Arctic Ice Area Almost Identical To 1990

  1. roger says:

    I know, I keep on about Skiing at Aviemore in Scotland, but it is remarkable!
    And the CET has been in negative anomaly territory for two months, yet both phenomena go unremarked.
    Last Updated on: 16/05/2012 12:32
    Top station weather : Wind 20 – 25mph Westerly, temperature -4.5c, Clear visibility with cloud above summits, occasional light snow flurries. Continued drifting on upper mountain last night has added yet more snow to upper runs. Some nice fresh powdery snow available. Great snowcover in the top bowls.
    At what point does this qualify as a travesty?
    I think we should be told.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Is that what a Death Spiral looks like on a chart?

  3. slimething says:

    I saved this in 2008.

    In 2007 IIRC, the U.N. was traveling through Europe warning ski resorts about the need to find a new line of work because there would be no snow in the coming years. In Switzerland I believe, after completing their marathon revival meetings, two weeks later Switzerland had record snow.

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