Veracity Death Spiral: More Bad News About Dishonest Climate Reporting

Arctic Death Spiral: More Bad News about Sea Ice

Published: May 16th, 2012
By Michael D. Lemonick

The sea ice that blankets the Arctic Ocean each winter peaked in early March this year, as usual, and is now in retreat, en route to its annual minimum extent in September. How low it will go is something scientists worry: ice reflects lots of sunlight back into space, and when the darker ocean underneath is exposed, more sunlight is absorbed to add to global warming.

That’s the simple version of the story, but things look even worse when you dig into the details. For one thing, all that open water does re-freeze each winter, but it freezes into a relatively thin layer known as seasonal, or first-year ice. Because it’s so thin, first-year ice tends to melt back quickly the following season, giving the ocean a chance to warm things up even more in what National Snow and Ice Data Center director Mark Serreze has called a “death spiral” that could lead to ice-free Arctic summers by 2030.

Arctic Death Spiral: More Bad News about Sea Ice | Climate Central

Complete bull. The peak came right at the end of March – one of the latest peaks on record.

First year ice forms every winter, and has since water first appeared on the surface of the planet. The author is providing absolutely no useful or new information about the state of Arctic ice and is just cranking out another content free global warming fairy tale.

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Veracity Death Spiral: More Bad News About Dishonest Climate Reporting

  1. Tourist in Chief says:

    The greatest onslaught of propaganda is really coming from the media, even more so than from corrupt scientists. Most of these people couldn’t find the sum of angles in a triangle, let alone comprehend this issue.

  2. rw says:

    I have to admit, these people are like Rocky. Every time I think they’ll have to throw in the towel, or at least modify their stance just a little, they’re back again with the same routines and giving no quarter.

    No doubt about it, this fight will go the full 15 rounds.

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