Government Scientists : Polar Bears Gone By 2050

Most Polar Bears Gone By 2050, Studies Say

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Government Scientists : Polar Bears Gone By 2050

  1. Here is an interesting one for you Steve. Although, as usual, the prediction did not pan out…

  2. NoMoreGore says:

    I didn’t like them too much anyway after I saw the rotten way they treat seals.

  3. Shooter says:

    And yet polar bear populations have tripled.

  4. And polar bears contribute what, exactly, to the Obama 2012 Campaign?

    That’s what I thought. Let ’em eat fish.

  5. rw says:

    These people must already be looking back at 2007 with increasing nostalgia.

  6. Billy Liar says:

    Great; camping in the Arctic will be so much less hassle.

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