Birther Miriam Clears It Up

Miriam made Barack Obama rich, but in 1991 didn’t fact check information she received from (undisclosed source) about his country of birth, before she became the first birther when she wrote his promotional pamphlet.

Neither Barack Obama nor any of his family or acquaintances ever noticed that she had listed his country of birth as Kenya. Over the next 16 years she made several revisions of the bio on her company web site – all saying that he was born in Kenya. Despite his book becoming a best seller and him becoming a US Senator, not a single person on the planet during those 16 years noticed that she had repeated the same error over and over again.

She was dead wrong for 16 years, but you can completely trust her now. Obama the narcissist had nothing to do with it, and was actually incapable of proofreading one paragraph about himself any time over a sixteen year period.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Birther Miriam Clears It Up

  1. Latitude says:

    Here’s one I don’t understand at all….
    If Obama is a citizen of the US because his mother was a US citizen….
    ….what would Obama have been if his father had claimed him?
    Why isn’t Obama just as much a Kenyan as an American?

  2. Me says:

    Must come from the same breed that misquotes Hansen all the time! I wonder if there is an App for that, before the i-pod, you know way back in time when everyone used to use the i-report in news print that don’t go away like now days! 😆

  3. Now she has to say he’s not born in Kenya. I wonder how she’s dealing with lying now? I wonder what she thinks of the massive coverup that’s happening in broad day light in front of the entire Nation?

    I wonder how many people in America are birthers now? And I wonder how many people now think in their hearts he was not born in America even though they would never say so in public?

  4. KenyanChurian Candidate in Sweden :) says:

    Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No ‘Fact Checking Error
    May 19, 2012’ – American Thinker

    “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

    This confession rings false to the point of preposterous for any number of reasons. Let us start with the obvious…

  5. sunsettommy says:

    Michelle says Barack’s Home country is Kenya – full statement


  6. DEEBEE says:

    If Barry had not been busy raptly listening to Wright’s sermons, perhaps he would have ahd the time to correct the “mistake”

  7. jabali316 says:

    Actually, Barry was adopted, and he doesn’t have the foggiest idea who his biological father was. Just kidding!

    Seriously though, honesty has never been Barry’s strong suit. Here’s one more hypothesis about Miriam’s boo-boo: Barry thought that he could sell more books if his life was a Kenyan immigrant’s success story. IOW, he was lying then, but the birth certificate from Hawaii is authentic after all.

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