My Comcast Nightmare

My cable was down for three days this week, and finally got fixed yesterday afternoon.

Today at 10 minutes into the second overtime, Comcast went out completely in the neighborhood. It came back on just before the penalty shootout started.

And for the final insult, the screen froze for about three seconds at the exact moment Drogba put his foot on the ball. A message popped up saying “Your recording has ended”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to My Comcast Nightmare

  1. Billy Liar says:

    Time to get another cable provider?

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    You think you have it bad, listen to this.
    I hope this formats right… Hotair did a post on gila spit causing weight loss. So my comment naturally was this:

    Future liberal “climate change” justified regulation: gila spit in all foodstufs.

    Plus, beef and sugar outlawed. Milk & chicken & salt severely rationed. The black box (now to be mandated in post 2014 cars thanks to the Republicans) will keep track of where you drive, and you can only drive to places deemed essential for your life.

    Drones and robospy-tricycles are climate change friendly, though, and will be everywhere

    PatriotGal then commented: “Just looking at the photo would be enough to make me lose my appetite, followed by retching if I knew its secretions were in something I had to drink…. And besides, the hard part is not losing weight. It’s keeping it off.” My reply to PatriotGal:

    “You’ll work harder with a gun at your back, for a bowl of rice o’lay. What you need is a Holday in Cambodia…” -1979 Song

    Don’t think for a moment that the libs aren’t going to gain full control in a few years. As the demographics change, and the “new morality” political philosophy gains adherents, the Obama backlash may be only a blip.
    A fat tax is just the start. Required incarcerated “fat camp” for the… fat. All because of climate change, nationalized health care, you name it. The libs are going to be like kids in a candy store, salivating in coming up with all the regulations and punishments to support the new Libtopia

    Further, when it came to my attention, I added: The latest demon: pointless internet searching and surfing. “Just a single search for Chuck Norris causes as much CO2 as a car traveling 7.5 cm.” How far will the madness go?

    • DirkH says:

      Eric Simpson says:
      May 20, 2012 at 12:43 am
      ” Don’t think for a moment that the libs aren’t going to gain full control in a few years. As the demographics change, and the “new morality” political philosophy gains adherents, the Obama backlash may be only a blip.”

      I know one thing about demographics: that we’re just getting older and refuse to die (life expectancy climbing by 3 months per year). And that older people tend to become more conservative… as they have too much to lose to want it to be redistributed…

      • Eric Simpson says:

        Thanks for the reply Dirk. I had worried that I went overboard with my post there, too long and whatnot. One thing I could have done a better job on, for a bit more of a compact look, was to have killed the spaces between the blockquoted text. Live and learn.
        Anyway, with demographics I was thinking of the ethnic makeup (U.S.). I’m not even sure whether the U.S. is getting older or younger, strange mix of trends with youth-heavy new groups emerging in the population. But it’s a good idea for the old folks to refuse to die, maybe we need a “don’t die on us” PR campaign.

  3. John B., M.D. says:

    Always add time to sports recordings when you set your DVR.

  4. LOL!

    Here we have Sky. It’s much better, except when the wind blows.

  5. NoMoreGore says:

    Is this in Maryland or CO? Don’t know if I mentioned this before, but you know, you qualify for a large tax break if you are keeping your home in CO and renting in MD. I often work far from home, and arrange a Per Diem split in my contract. (roughly) Half of my income is then tax free. It’s part of the Travel and Entertainment section of IRS code… perfectly legal. And it helps pay for that extra apt. But it is only allowed for 12 months.

    • I assume that has to be arranged ahead of time?

      • Traitor in Chief says:

        You can claim the associated deductions on your taxes if you didn’t arrange it in advance…. But if you can arrange it in advance it’s better. It’s called a “Per Diem split”

        In the PD split, the employer takes a deduction to place you at the jobsite. The funds for this are paid to you untaxed according to a schedule that varies by city. Then, your reported income is diminished, but your overall rate of pay is the same. It is typically around $1400/month you gain. At the end of the year, your taxable income is much lower, perhaps 60K lower. If you do the split, you don’t have to worry about keeping records. But if you didn’t set it up in advance, get a good CPA to do it for you.

  6. comcastcares3 says:

    I apologize for the trouble. I work for Comcast. Please feel free to contact me if you still need help. You can contact me at the email below with your info and a link to this page for reference.


    Mark Casem
    Comcast Corp.
    National Customer Operations
    [email protected]

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