Ice Packyderms Moving To Greenland

Global warming has made life the tropics unbearable, and the great beasts of Africa are migrating to Greenland.

Sadly, these poor beasts are unable to forget Hansen’s forecasts for ice sheet collapse.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Ice Packyderms Moving To Greenland

  1. Eric Barnes says:

    And in a related note, Cloud naming season has begun.

    These pachys are probably grateful they don’t have to deal w/ this powerful storm!

  2. You’re making fun of James Hansen! Then again he’s such an EASY target. Rarely has anyone made such a fool of themselves so publicly.

    Unfortunately the average person spends ZERO time looking into the truth about global warming. So they don’t know how much a hack for politics and money James Hansen is.

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    Those elephants look like they’re near the 6th hole! They’ve certainly gotten way out of their normal habitat thanks to global climate change. You wonder what will happen if Polar Bears attack. I’ll bet the PBears will be toast. If it were grizzlies, that might be a different story. I don’t think grizzlies would attack, though. Grizzlies like elephants, not polar bears.

  4. Andy DC says:

    Somebody get those elephants off the ice, before it all collapses into the sea!

  5. Andy DC says:

    No elephants allowed on the golf course.

  6. lanceap says:

    I’m going out on the limb here….I think those photos are staged… 🙂
    I don’t think they are really there….there further north…

  7. Latitude says:

    Won’t the warmer weather extend their breeding season….isn’t that a good thing?

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