Charges Should Be Dropped Against Zimmerman And Raised Against A Few Other People

It is 100% clear now that the shooting was neither racially motivated nor is there a snowball’s chance in hell of getting a second degree murder conviction. Charges against Zimmerman should be dropped.

There were quite a few crimes committed though, related to the case. NBC news lied about the 911 call and tried to frame Zimmerman. Spike Lee sent a lynch mob to the wrong address. The MSM lied about Zimmerman’s wounds. The MSM lied about who’s voice was heard calling for help on the tape. The MSM tried to raise anger against Zimmerman by using old pictures of Martin. The prosecutor intentionally withheld critical evidence.

Quite a few people should be facing charges over their attempts to frame Zimmerman and deprive him of his constitutional rights. But they won’t – because the President and Attorney General were also involved.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Charges Should Be Dropped Against Zimmerman And Raised Against A Few Other People

  1. Blade says:

    Who would have possibly believed that the media and the racist left would outdo themselves yet again! Tawana Brawley, Duke Lacrosse, and now this.

    This is stunningly outrageous. I hope the shooter goes on a legal rampage after this is done and finishes the careers of everyone involved. He’s gonna need the money anyway for personal security. My guess is he leaves the country at the end of this.

    • Blade says:

      I should have mentioned one other example that many forget. The Bernhard Goetz aka Subway Vigilante is pretty close in many ways on the facts. The NYC press really stunk this one up and it was not Mayor Koch’s finest moment.

      Of course with the current case involving Sharpton one must remember who we are dealing with. Review this case that probably got no press outside of the NorthEast, the Massacre at Freddy’s. Lets also remember Crown Heights and Yankel Rosenbaum.

      What wonderful race relations we have up here in the sophisticated liberal (D) Socialist NorthEast. Sharpton should be rotting in prison or just dropped out of a plane.

  2. papiertigre says:

    But they won’t – because the President and Attorney General were also involved.

    That’s what they made impeachment for.

  3. Robertvdl says:

    Charges Should Be Raised Against the Liar in Chief and the Attorney General

  4. My independent take: The general insanity–for which I invented the phrase “War of the Insane Left”, and of which the Zimmerman case (“The Zimmerman File”?) is but one example–will continue as long as there is sufficient division of popular opinion, Left vs. Right, for the radical Left (especially Black Muslim) alarmists to find political cover and free money (contributions and/or cushy jobs like Al Sharpton’s and Eric Holder’s–or Obama’s, most especially). The President won’t be impeached (though it would be a healthy sign), because the politicians on both sides know there is no overwhelming mandate for it. The only question now is, will the divided public incompetently vote-in another four years of national embarrassment, over a thoroughly incompetent and corrupt administration, under the theory that at least the final financial hammer won’t fall on Obama’s watch and “I can still make good money, because I won’t be fired, or deported, while he’s in there”, or not. And will Romney, if elected, singlehandedly emerge from the general incompetence of the political system today, and actually turn around the long-nurtured national slide–which is his promise–or bring back the ideological “good old days” of the “Contract With (or was it On) America”, and the incompetent Bush administration? The way things have been set up, I think Left and Right both need to be knocked down and out, because both rely on unquestioned dogma, and such dogma is the real enemy today, in every area of popular confrontation, or war.

  5. ralphcramdo says:

    Off topic but where;s the outrage from the black community????
    Three of the attackers are black.

    TAMPA (FOX 13) – The video sparked outrage: A MacDill Air Force Base Army Sergeant viciously beaten in South Tampa by four men. Police have caught three suspects, and they say they’re closing in on the fourth and final one.

    Sgt. Johnny Aparicio’s car broke down on his way home Sunday, May 13th at around 3:30 in the morning. He started walking the rest of the way, when out of nowhere three men jumped him on Iowa Avenue near Renellie Drive.

    Then a fourth joined in. A home security camera recorded the entire attack, which lasted about a minute. They took his money and phone, leaving the wounded soldier on the ground.

    Police say Aparicio didn’t know his four attackers.

    “Still seemingly an unprovoked, vicious, random attack on a victim, who absolutely had no idea what was about to happen to him,” said Lt. Mary O’Connor.

    The shocking video generated a number of tips to police from an outraged public. Sunday, police arrested 18-year-old Jared Richardson. They arrested 18-year-olds Geroshe Lewis and Lerome Howard Friday. All three men are charged with strong armed robbery and aggravated battery, which are second degree felonies.

    “I can’t imagine that the motive for that is anything other than violence,” said O’Connor. “Watching that video, you’d think that they have a lot of violence in their pasts and they really don’t have a lot of violence in their pasts. It’s really kind of mind boggling to us why they would go from limited involvement with law enforcement to something to vicious.”

    Lewis appeared before a judge Monday. Prosecutors are trying to get his $50,000 bond revoked.

    A judge will decide that at a hearing later this week. Lewis was a senior at Robinson High School; police arrested him at school Friday.

    Howard bonded out of jail. Richardson is in jail and has not appeared before judge yet. Bond could be revoked for all three suspects.

    Officers found Richardson at his car parked at La Quinta Inn in Brandon. Police say his gold Chevy Impala is seen in the video turning onto Renellie a few minutes before the beating.

    “The vehicle has a really unique right wheel blinker that is very rapid and we’ve determined it was the same car,” O’Connor said.

    Police say the three suspects are not cooperating with investigators. Sgt. Aparicio is out of the hospital, recovering with cuts and bruises. He has asked for privacy.

    The video sparked outrage: A MacDill Air Force Base Army Sergeant viciously beaten in South Tampa by four men. Police have caught three suspects, and they say they’re closing in on the fourth and final one.

    Sgt. Johnny Aparicio’s car broke down on his way home Sunday, May 13th at around 3:30 in the morning. He started walking the rest of the way, when out of nowhere three men jumped him on Iowa Avenue near Renellie Drive.

    Then a fourth joined in. A home security camera recorded the entire attack, which lasted about a minute. They took his money and phone, leaving the wounded soldier on the ground.

    Police say Aparicio didn’t know his four attackers.

    “Still seemingly an unprovoked, vicious, random attack on a victim, who absolutely had no idea what was about to happen to him,” said Lt. Mary O’Connor.

    The shocking video generated a number of tips to police from an outraged public. Sunday, police arrested 18-year-old Jared Richardson. They arrested 18-year-olds Geroshe Lewis and Lerome Howard Friday. All three men are charged with strong armed robbery and aggravated battery, which are second degree felonies.

    “I can’t imagine that the motive for that is anything other than violence,” said O’Connor. “Watching that video, you’d think that they have a lot of violence in their pasts and they really don’t have a lot of violence in their pasts. It’s really kind of mind boggling to us why they would go from limited involvement with law enforcement to something to vicious.”

    Lewis appeared before a judge Monday. Prosecutors are trying to get his $50,000 bond revoked.

    A judge will decide that at a hearing later this week. Lewis was a senior at Robinson High School; police arrested him at school Friday.

    Howard bonded out of jail. Richardson is in jail and has not appeared before judge yet. Bond could be revoked for all three suspects.

    Officers found Richardson at his car parked at La Quinta Inn in Brandon. Police say his gold Chevy Impala is seen in the video turning onto Renellie a few minutes before the beating.

    “The vehicle has a really unique right wheel blinker that is very rapid and we’ve determined it was the same car,” O’Connor said.

    Police say the three suspects are not cooperating with investigators. Sgt. Aparicio is out of the hospital, recovering with cuts and bruises. He has asked for privacy.

  6. Prepare yourself and dont bring a knife to a gunfight!!

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