Someone Close The Damn Door Already

The Earth has been facing imminent doom since Earth day, 1970. The door to rescue the planet is always about to close.

May 21, 2012

While global negotiations have slowed since the high-intensity period over the last three years (in Copenhagen, Cancun, and Durban), that doesn’t mean we can afford for action to slow down.  After all, as the International Energy Agency just pointed out the door for avoiding the greatest impacts is quickly closing.


The UN closed the door in 1999

Mercury News: Search Results

Hansen is about to close the door.

Barack Obama has only four years to save the world. That is the stark assessment of Nasa scientist and leading climate expert Jim Hansen who last week warned only urgent action by the new president could halt the devastating climate change that now threatens Earth. Crucially, that action will have to be taken within Obama’s first administration, he added.

President Obama ‘has four years to save Earth’ | Environment | The Observer

Is there any way these geniuses can just shut the door, leave it closed, go drink a beer and STFU?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Someone Close The Damn Door Already

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    The first Earth Day, 1970. It’s telling that they selected Lenin’s birthday to be Earth Day. Having a clean environment should have nothing to do with Marxist politics. But that’s not the case.

  2. Brian says:

    To be fair, that’s no a direct quote from Hansen.

  3. Chuck L says:

    Every time I see Hansen described as a “leading climate expert” I feel like puking.

  4. DJL says:

    That’s why they can’t find the missing heat, someone left the door open.

  5. John B., M.D. says:

    Alarmism / activism at it’s worst.

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