Science Nutcase News

Science News tells us that we will either drown, boil or freeze to death.

Science News 2012 – World Doomed Due To Global Warming

Big Antarctic Ice Sheet Appears Doomed – Science News

Science News 1975 – World Doomed Due To Global Cooling

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Science Nutcase News

  1. LLAP says:

    These idiots don’t even have the first clue about how glaciers behave:

    • Eric Simpson says:

      The thing is… it sounds plausible. Yes, it’s -100°F half the time down there. Way way too cold to ever melt ice… but torpedoed by warm currents? Now i’m scared. The shameless fear-mongers have done it.
      Of course, I don’t even need direct confirmation that these supposed warmer currents that would undermine the ice shelf don’t exist. For one, I know that ocean temps have been coming out stagnant at best for the warmists.
      Secondly, I know that the Cry Wolfers are in the business of manufacturing scare-mongering piffle. This is, without any doubt, more of the same.

  2. “Anchored to the seafloor, the shelf extends outward over the Weddell Sea and covers an area the size of Sweden.”

    Exactly how does a block of ice anchored to the sea floor the size of Sweden drift off and just melt?

  3. PaddikJ says:

    I know that Science News is always on top of breaking science news, but June 2nd already? Where does the time go?!

  4. omanuel says:

    Thank you for having the courage to confront deceptive propaganda spewing from such once-respected publications as Science News!

    E.M. Smith has an insightful analysis of the reasons why current government policies are directed by “clueless academics.”

    Almost every major field of study has been seriously compromised by the misuse of federal research funds to promote false government propaganda since 1945.

    The current crop of academics are indeed clueless about basic principles of science needed to save society from impending collapse.

    Politicians do not understand science, and shouldn’t be expected to.

    Unfortunately they cannot expect help from the self-serving group of advisors who gave them misinformation – leaders of the United Nations, the US National Academy of Sciences, the UK’s Royal Society, the Nobel Prize Committee, publishers of Nature, Science, PNAS, PRS, etc., and leaders of scientific organizations and mainstream news media.

    Eisenhower warned us in 1961 of this danger to our constitutional form of government.

    There is no more pressing issue than restoring integrity to government science and citizen’s control over government.

    With kind regards,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

  5. Shooter says:

    June 2, 2012? IT’S MAY!

  6. Andy DC says:

    It’s not only worse than we thought, it’s much, much worse than anything anyone could ever imagine!!!

  7. slimething says:

    Awwwchie, did ya read the latest ScienceNews? It says we’re all doomed because a big block of ice might fall off sometime in the future and it will be really really bad….

  8. ozspeaksup says:

    I found this fragment in the SN of interest…almost exactly right.we got .6C
    Stephen H.
    Schneider of the National Center for
    Atmospheric Research says that by the
    turn of the century, enough carbon
    dioxide will have been put into the
    atmosphere to raise the temperature of
    earth half a degree

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