Krugman : Scientists Should Lie – To Force The Country Further Into Debt

I actually have a serious proposal which is that we have to get a bunch of scientists to tell us that we’re facing a threatened alien invasion, and in order to be prepared for that alien invasion we have to do things like build high-speed rail. And the, once we’ve recovered, we can say, “Look, there were no aliens.”

But look, I mean, whatever it takes because right now we need somebody to spend, and that somebody has to be the U.S. government.

Climate scientists have been lying about an imaginary threat for decades. They should sue Krugman for plagiarizing their idea.

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Krugman : Scientists Should Lie – To Force The Country Further Into Debt

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    “Paul Krugman advocated on HBO’s Real Time Friday that scientists should get together and lie about an imminent attack to boost federal spending.”
    Paul Krugman is a hardened socialist / communist, about as leftist as you get. Some leftists, like Stalin, thought it was good to kill off a large portion of his own population. Compared to that, I guess, the fact that the leftists openly advocate outright lying, is not a big deal.

    The leftist zealots behind the climate change scare are predictably also big time supporters of lying to deceive the public:
    “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.” -Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace
    “We have to offer up scary scenarios… each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective and being honest.” -Stephen Schneider, ipcc author, 1989
    “The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.” -Daniel Botkin, Chairman of Environmental Studies at UCSB
    “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that .. global warming.. would fit the bill…It does not matter if this common enemy is a real one or…one invented for the purpose.” -Club of Rome

    • Shooter says:

      First of all, Stalin didn’t kill anyone. It was actually Bukharin, and he killed 640,000 innocent people. Also, if you look at the population stats at the time, 20,000,000 + dead is not recorded. And no, they weren’t “lying” about it. If it wasn’t for Stalin, the USSR would still have been backwards, and Germany would have won the war. Yeah, the Commies won the war, you guys. Stalin really has a reputation carved in stone in the West, and what really irks me is that NONE OF YOU GUYS CAN AGREE TO HOW MANY HE ‘KILLED’. It’s 20 million in one place, 40 in another, and even 50 in some places. Make up your damn minds.

      I’m really tired of seeing skeptics compare AGW to Communism. Really, people.

      • Streetcred says:

        Go and sit in the corner, Shooter … your ideology is bankrupt.

      • LLAP says:

        @Shooter: “I’m really tired of seeing skeptics compare AGW to Communism. Really, people.”

        Why? Both are evil ideologies that, on the surface claim to be about making things better, but are really about controlling every aspect of people’s lives:

      • Scott says:

        Shooter says:
        May 27, 2012 at 11:57 pm

        I’m really tired of seeing skeptics compare AGW to Communism. Really, people.

        I don’t know much about the history or purported history, so I’ll let you and the others duke it out about Stalin. But I do have a question about the above quote. Luboš Motl grew up in the communist regime and he is probably the person I see make the comparison most often. See his blog for examples:
        So where is he going wrong considering he experienced communism firsthand for a decade or more?


      • Scott says:

        Shooter says:
        May 27, 2012 at 11:57 pm

        I’m really tired of seeing skeptics compare AGW to Communism. Really, people.

        I don’t know much about Stalin, so I’ll stay out of that argument. But I did want to address the above line. The said comparison I’ve seen made a decent number of times, but the person I’ve seen it made most by is Lubos Motl, who grew up under communism. You can see examples at his blog:
        So, considering he lived more than a decade under communism and makes this comparison frequently, where is he going wrong?



      • Hugh K says:

        An alarmist that’s interested in accurate data?!? How novel. Thanks for the belly laugh Shooter.

        BTW – I’m really tired of people that say; “Really, people.”

  2. tckev says:

    In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with throw all the lefties out of office. No fear, no lies, no scary bits required. Just logic and the will to see the country improve.

  3. DaveG says:

    Lenin, Bukharin, Stalin I suspect they and their friends are never cold in hell!
    Socialist throughout history have been inherently evil, NONE is better than the other one, their predecessors, or the ones to come. It’s like saying this one is a kinder gentler machine gun man about to mow down a crowd.
    Evil is evil anytime!

    • tckev says:

      Always remember!
      To these progressive socialists history was what ever *they* chose to remember, any inconvenient memories that lingered were expunged along with the mind that held them.

  4. Scott says:

    Sorry for the double post above. The first one didn’t appear, so I tried it a second time. Now they’re both there.


  5. gregole says:

    Just a quick question…if space aliens are invading, how will high-speed rail help us?

  6. Azmus says:

    I hope Krugman’s position at the NYTimes lasts a lifetime. He has a most unique talent–every time he writes, he subtracts from the sum total of human knowledge. Not everyone can do that.

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