Millions Of Scientists Say That Their Kids Are Doomed By CO2

‘Colbert Report’: North Carolina’s Scientific Revisionism – Truthdig

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Millions Of Scientists Say That Their Kids Are Doomed By CO2

  1. Eric Barnes says:

    Another A$$hat tv show I won’t bother watching. Is there anything of value on TV anymore?

  2. leftinbrooklyn says:

    uhhhh….’Climate change was unsustainable.’??? Do they mean our climate, here on earth? The climate that’s been changing for what, 4 billion years? That’s pretty impressive sustainability in my book….

  3. tckev says:

    CO2 is not the threat to the kids it’s the soda pop it’s dissolved in.

  4. I find this new trend fascinating. Make up all kinds of crazy shit and declare 97% of all the world’s scientists agree with you. And if you don’t believe, prove me wrong. 😉

    • Justa Joe says:

      How about this one? Make up all kinds of crazy shit, and then declare that if you’re even half right civilisation still faces its greatest ever challenge.

      • nzrobin says:

        How about this one? Make up any devastating possibility you like, but admit you’re not 100% certain, so things could be even worse than you just made up. Ha.

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