Putting Big Government Climate Fraud In Perspective

Heartland has seen a large increase in funds since the AGU ethics officer (Gleick) decided to commit several felonies in his effort to censor and stifle debate. However, the legendary $825,000 in lost funds which has Goldenberg and McKibben wetting their knickers, is the topic of this post.

Those sums of money are chump change in the fraudulent world of Big Government climate science. Consider this $850,000 grant given to the University Of Colorado.

CU to study impact of climate change on Boulder prairie dogs
Researchers in Boulder, Kansas receive $850,000 grant for project
By Heath Urie, Camera Staff Writer
Posted:   09/07/2011

Researchers from the University of Colorado and Kansas State University have been awarded a grant for more than $850,000 to study the impacts of climate change on prairie dogs in the Boulder area.

The massive grant — from the Division of Environmental Biology at the National Science Foundation — is designed to give the researchers three years in the field to try and figure out how climate change is altering prairie dog habitat and how the rodents are responding to those changes.

CU to study impact of climate change on Boulder prairie dogs – Boulder Daily Camera

There are lots of things wrong with this grant, but the biggest problem is that it is based on  a fundamentally false premise. Boulder has been slightly cooling over the last 60 years. How do you study climate change in a place where the climate isn’t changing?

No one at NSF bothered to check this out before stealing almost a million dollars of taxpayer money?

U.S. Historical Climatology Network

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Putting Big Government Climate Fraud In Perspective

  1. slimething says:

    This from the old site doesn’t show up here:

    The links to the sources are hijacked.

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