Dimwitted Scientists Contradict Themselves Every Four Paragraphs

Scientists say climate change is man made and irreversible, just like it was when it was natural and reversing itself very quickly.

The Earth is reaching a “tipping point” in climate change that will lead to increasingly rapid and irreversible destruction of the global environment unless its forces are controlled by concerted international action, an international group of scientists warns.

Unchecked population growth, the disappearance of critical plant and animal species, the over-exploitation of energy resources, and the rapidly warming climate are all combining to bring mounting pressure on the Earth’s environmental health, they say.

Scientists from five nations, led by UC Berkeley biologist Anthony Barnosky, report their analysis Thursday in the journal Nature.

They likened the potential impact of the forces to previous major changes – both gradual and abrupt – in the planet’s history that triggered mass extinctions and expansions, and produced completely new worldwide environments.

The most recent of those was the sporadic end of the last ice age that began 14,000 years ago and shifted rapidly from warm to cold and then back to warm again over a few thousand years. That period saw the extinction of half the world’s large animal life, and then the spread of an expanding human population to every continent on the planet.


Are these people terminally stupid, terminally drugged out, or just pathological liars?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Dimwitted Scientists Contradict Themselves Every Four Paragraphs

  1. Dave N says:

    Wonder what kind of carbon taxes they had 14000 years ago to reverse the conditions?

  2. John Silver says:

    Are these people terminally stupid, terminally drugged out, or just pathological liars?

    I think they are just ordinary criminals, con artists.

  3. I like the part at the end of the article where Richard Lindzen has the last word and basically points out that the report is a load of bullshit.

  4. slp says:

    … the over-exploitation of energy resources …

    Energy resources are not over-exploited. One can only use what is available. And, if they are claiming that we will run out then they are claiming we will never find any new resources or advance technology any further.

  5. terrence says:

    John Silver – “Are these people terminally stupid, terminally drugged out, or just pathological liars?…. I think they are just ordinary criminals, con artists.”

    I think all of these are true: terminally stupid, terminally drugged out, pathological liars, and ordinary criminals, con artists.

  6. LOL in Oregon says:

    as everyone knows (but denies), the only way to control over population is:
    -> only women with at least an MS in STEM are allowed to have children.
    any male who fathers a child (DNA will tell) without the women’s consent and cooperation,
    has merely replaced himself in the consumption pool (i.e. no more food/water/O2)

    But, of course, the ego-centric, eco-religious bullies are deniers about the connection between women’s education level and number of truly smart children.

    LOL in Oregon

    • DirkH says:

      LOL in Oregon says:
      June 8, 2012 at 9:48 pm
      “any male who fathers a child (DNA will tell) without the women’s consent and cooperation,”

      How’s that supposed to work in practice?

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