GISS NetCDF Viewer

Check this out. GISS has published a NetCDF viewer which allows you to view files with a .nc extension. This is an essential tool for anyone interested in climate.

Here is CRUTEM coverage for January, 1850  –  a very warm month in the US.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to GISS NetCDF Viewer

  1. Tomwys says:

    Uncanny resemblance to 2012. Guess they had La Nina then too!!!

  2. If you install it, all temperatures before 1950 are decreased by 10% in every nc file you open.


  3. Alan says:

    I tried installing it -PanoplyWin64 on Windows 7 64bit – extracted all folders/files from the zip, installed the latest Java (also followed their instructions to use the Java utility to make sure java is installed (it reports: You have the recommended Java installed (Version 7 Update 5).) …… But when I run Panoply.exe it says no JVM could be found. … Any ideas?

    • You need the Java runtime environment JRE. Look for that at the Java web site.

      • Alan says:

        Figured it out – the problem was using Chrome as a browser (32-bit) and the Java website automatically downloads the bit-version matching the browser — but Panoply needed the 64-bit, so had to dig down in the java website to get it.

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