Dem Senator Says No One Disputes The Random Thoughts Running Through His Brain

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) declared on the Senate floor Thursday that the debate over whether humans are causing climate change is over, and that it has been shown conclusively that human activity is leading to global warming.

“People say there are questions about the theory,” he said. “No, there are not.

“The argument that the jury is still out on climate change is a false and bogus argument,” he added. “The jury is not out. In fact, the jury is in, the effects are obvious, they surround us every day, and we need to take action.”

Whitehouse said the theory that warmth creates a moist atmosphere that traps heat has been around since the Civil War. “That’s been basic textbook science for a century,” he said. “It’s never been controverted. It’s a law, essentially, of science.”

Dem senator: Humans causing climate change, saying otherwise is ‘bogus’ – The Hill’s E2-Wire

The definition of controverted is

Apparently he believes that no one has ever argued about global warming.

Untill Hansen corrupted the data for the umpteenth time in 2005, 1934 was the hottest year on record in the US. It was also the driest year on record in the US – with 80% of the country experiencing drought simultaneously. Hot temperatures are associated with a dry atmosphere, not a wet atmosphere – like in Texas last month.

Like Obama, Whitehouse assumes that Democratic Party voters are complete morons.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Dem Senator Says No One Disputes The Random Thoughts Running Through His Brain

  1. Billy Liar says:

    Like Obama, Whitehouse assumes that Democratic Party voters are complete morons.

    Has that ever been controverted?

  2. Andy DC says:

    If there are no questions about the theory, why did it cool from 1950 to 1980 and why has it cooled again from 1998 to present?

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    “People say there are questions about the theory,” the ultra-leftist senator said. “No, there are not. The argument that the jury is still out on climate change is a false and bogus argument,” he added. “The jury is not out. ”
    Just because the most left wing senator in DC said it’s so, doesn’t make it so. Doesn’t the flaming lib understand that, at least in this country, that only hard leftists still contend that the science is settled, that the jury is not out. At best we’d have a hung jury. That is too obvious for this dimwit. Furthermore, because warmists predictably lose debates with skeptics, we could expect a non-partisan jury to rule in favor of the skeptics.
    For their own good, it’s time that the warmists try to put forward as advocates for their position some mainstream folks, not these ultra-leftists. If anything proves the ideological basis of the scare-mongers, it is that these radical leftists are the ones that always show up to push the climate change baloney.

  4. Hugh K says:

    And a new contender suddenly appears on the horizon to take the aging Joe Biden dunce cap….

    It might be helpful to libs if you also post the definition of progressive. Apparently, that word is eqaually confusing. Just because the same concept was rebrandeded from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’ doesn’t mean the same concept is something new. Kind of like changing your name from lib to progressive…’re still reading from the same playbook handed out in the 80’s man. And just like global warming never really meant a warmer globe, progressive never really meant free thinking.

  5. Paul in Sweden says:

    The Dems are the ones that think Guam is going to tip over so I don’t pay them much attention.

  6. Brian says:

    Obama doesn’t have boatload’s of Democratic support right now:

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