Methane Contributes Almost Nothing To The Greenhouse Effect In The Tropics

RRTM shows that removal of all methane from the atmosphere would only decrease downwelling longwave radiation in the tropics by 0.1%. A 10X increase in methane would only increase the greenhouse effect by 0.3% in the tropics.

The catastrophic global warming scare is a scam. There is no scientific basis for it.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Methane Contributes Almost Nothing To The Greenhouse Effect In The Tropics

  1. gator69 says:

    Ahhhh! But what about the Arctic? Surely it must be poisonous to poely bears, or melts them or something…

  2. Ben says:

    But…but..I’ve seen the videos of the methane bubbles in the Arctic. How did they get all those cows under the ice? 😉

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