Credible Evidence Arises That University Standards Have Dropped To Zero

Credible evidence of climate change arises
By Robert Oglesby and Donald Wuebbles

Oglesby is a professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Wuebbles is the Harry E. Preble Endowed Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois.

It’s been a hot start in 2012. Over Memorial Day weekend, high-temperature records were set in 16 states, including every state that’s home to a Big Ten school. Omaha’s high temperature hit 94 degrees — the hottest May 27 temperature in more than 100 years of record-keeping. Chicago, Des Moines, Detroit, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Madison, Wis., and Pittsburgh all hit record highs that weekend.

Credible evidence of climate change arises –

The professors seem to be endowed with confirmation bias, ignorance and failing grade school math skills.

The US has more than 1,000 temperature stations, and the length of the temperature database averages about 100 years. On any given day, the odds of breaking a high temperature record at any station are 100 to 1.  With 1,000 stations and a three day weekend, we would expect to have about 30 high temperature records set in the US. This is the most basic statistics and it is incredible that the professors don’t understand it.

But it gets worse. Their temperature data is garbage. On Memorial Day Weekend 1934, the temperature in Iowa was 111 degrees. Almost 20 degrees hotter than this year.

May 30, 1934: What would become one of the hottest summers on record in Iowa began to intensify as a heat wave in the last three days of May resulted in nearly every location in the state exceeding 100 F on at least one of those three days. The heat wave peaked on the 30th when the temperature soared to as high as 111 F near Inwood which is the highest temperature ever recorded in Iowa in May. Other high temperatures on the 30th included 110 F at Boone, 109 F at Logan and Spencer, 108 F at Le Mars, and 107 F at Storm Lake. Des Moines and Sioux City also set their respective May records as both reached a high of 105 F. Amazingly this extremely hot weather came only a few days after unseasonably cool temperatures in the 30s had been recorded across much of the state with frost on the 25th and 26th. In fact, at Boone the low temperature on the morning of the 25th was 30 F so the temperature at that location rose by 80 F in just five days. To put this into perspective, the largest temperature range ever recorded across the state of Iowa during the entire month of May is 88 degrees.

The professors’ statistical and historical knowledge is garbage, and yet they go to the press and claim that they have proved global warming.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Credible Evidence Arises That University Standards Have Dropped To Zero

  1. Rob says:

    Steve, did you not get the memo? Climate scientists have replaced the scientific method with gut instinct. They’ve even got a hockey stick to prove their right.

  2. Andy DC says:

    In July 1936, Lincoln, Nebraska had a LOW temperature of 91 degrees, which is only 3 degrees short of the high temperature record that they are hyperventilating about.

  3. dmmcmah says:

    According to the latest AMSU charts, 2012 is cooler at this point than 2011 was (globally). I thought it was “global warming”? I guess now its just warming wherever you can find convenient data.

  4. Unfortunately the media seeks out academics that are prepared to say what the media wants to hear. It doesn’t matter if 20 other academics said something sensible. It’s the one guy talking BS that the press will promote. The guy then becomes a media ‘resource’. Provided none of this backfires, this then generates further publicity and opportunities for the university, and politicians decide this guy is an ‘expert’ and appoints him to various taskforces. The cycle builds momentum. Provided you have few moral or ethical scruples this works out well for the academic and those who employ him. Hopefully by the time everyone works out that he was talking out of his arse, the public’s focus has shifted to something else. Or if his point of view is in agreement with a particular ideological position that is popular, it never really matters if he turns out to always be wrong.

    • Kaboom says:

      I frequently notice that when it comes to pulling a doomsayer out of the hat on economic issues in Europe as well. Also there’s only reporting when the Euro exchange rate vs. the dollar drops, never when it regains ground. Blood, tits, fear and lies are the currencies of today’s media.

      • Well if the local currency drops the local media will be screaming about cost of living increases from imports and inflation. If the local currency rises, the local media screams about how crucial export industries are being damaged. It’s rather like reporting temperature changes. Nothing ever good gets reported if something, no matter what it is, has changed.

  5. gofer says:

    “Birds of a feather flock together.” “You are known by your friends.” Friends usually share a lot of common interests……….in this case, making sure the cash cows don’t die.

    Twitter / MichaelEMann:
    Very excited to see that my friend @PaulREhrlich is now on twitter. Welcome Paul!

  6. gator69 says:

    I have had the displeasure of dealing with one of those parties on more than one occasion. The last time I went so far as to contact the President and Board of Trustees over the blatant dishonesty, and advocacy he displays as a senior member of their university team. I hate to think what those kids are being taught, and not being taught.

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