The official temperature is 98 degrees. The highest I measured on my bike was 92 degrees. The Weather Underground map has a 15 degree spread over two miles, yet Phil Jones was able to determine the southern hemisphere temperature in 1850 to a precision of 0.001 degrees – from a single thermometer in New Zealand. Ain’t climate science grand?
BTW – The Google Chrome spell checker is unfamiliar with the word “Zealand”
bailed on my ride this morning…rain and more rain…Gran Fondo coming up though in Mid July…
Just as amazing is that Michael Mann-made Global Warming faked his phony tree ring data to run his Chicken Little “the world is cooking” scam the same way!
When I was in college, we called Mann’s “techniques ” “dry labbing” the results… some things never change.
That’s because it’s a misspelling of “Zeeland” Zee meaning Sea & Land meaning that brown stuff you stand on.
But it should probably be “Neu” or “Nieuw” not “New”.
” yet Phil Jones was able to determine the southern hemisphere temperature in 1850 to a precision of 0.001 degrees – from a single thermometer in New Zealand.
Glad your ride went well. its kinda hot.
LOL. The fools I try to convince, would not know who Phil Jones is, and would say ” i don’t listen to him, I listen to the climate scientists”! And then they get indignant and tell me it’s a peer reviewed consensus.
The idea that the numbers have been fudged or that they continue to be fudged on a daily basis
rolls right off them.
And so its always the Hottest Year Ever .
You should be using Firefox on Lubuntu—
Or Opera on FreeBSD. Or even linux-opera on FreeBSD.
I like Opera on openSUSE–12.1