The 1930s Was Much Hotter In The Midwest

U.S. Historical Climatology Network

The graph above plots all thirty days when Omaha, Nebraska has hit 110F.  Twenty two of those days occurred during the 1930s, and all occurred below 350 ppm. Hansen claimed that last summer’s heat in Oklahoma was impossible without man-made CO2, but once again it is clear that he has absolutely no clue what he is talking about.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to The 1930s Was Much Hotter In The Midwest

  1. Andy DC says:

    That is a pie in the face to the alarmists, an extreme measure of heat that has happened 30 times, but not once since 1983. Makes them look downright silly with respect to their allegation of catastrophic warming. How does Hansen adjust his way out of that?

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