Extreme Global Weirding In 1888

January 12, 1888 started out as a very mild day on the Great Plains. During the afternoon, an incredible blizzard moved into the region without warning. Hundreds of children froze to death walking home from school that day. It became known as the Schoolhouse Blizzard.

Schoolhouse Blizzard – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two months later, the Great Blizzard of 1888 struck the Northeast – dropping 40-50 inches of snow on New York. It was the biggest snowstorm in history in that region, and became the motivation for building the subway system in New York.

Some days our clueless friends tell us that big snowstorms are due to global warming, and on other days they say that snow is a thing of the past.

But that’s not all. On July 11, 1888 – Colorado set its all time high temperature record at 118F.  www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/pub/data/special/maxtemps.pdf

This was seven years after Europe set their all-time temperature record of 122F in 1881. World Temperature Extremes

Experts tell us that record heat can’t happen without man made CO2, because they have their heads firmly planted where the sun never shines.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Extreme Global Weirding In 1888

  1. Tomwys says:

    You deserve a little fun! Keep at it!!!

  2. Marc77 says:

    I remembered, one of the greatest tornado of eastern Canada occurred in 1888. I was in August.


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