PBS : High Park Fire To Burn For Months

TOM BEARDEN: Rideout says the High Park fire is something of a perfect storm, a very dry winter, high winds fanning the flames, and a great deal of fuel to burn. Add the very difficult terrain, and experts say this fire is likely to keep on burning until the fall.

In Colo., Drought and Wind Fuel Summer of Fire | PBS NewsHour | June 15, 2012 | PBS

The burn area has had flash flood warnings for the last two days. I haven’t seen any smoke  since Sunday. There probably still are a few smoldering logs somewhere up there, but for all intents and purposes the fire is done. The picture below was taken in the burn area on Wednesday.

h/t to Russell C

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to PBS : High Park Fire To Burn For Months

  1. Russell C says:

    Scroll down that 6/15 NewsHour page to its comments section and you’ll see how one of their staffers replies to a commenter’s suggestion about updating the broadcast segment to discuss how global warming drove the bark beetles to ravage the area and to consider that “the effects of climate change are not just felt in the North Pole, but in our own back yard.Imagine; the Rocky mountains up in smoke.”

    Yesterday, I added my own comment about the NewsHour updating the story about the fire being nearly out, and suggested they should ALSO examine the skeptic side of AGW, something they have not done in any detail since 1996.

    The NewsHour has been good in the past for posting my comments (e.g. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/climate-change/jan-june12/climate_06-01.html#comment-563867045 ) after a day or so delay, so maybe mine from yesterday will appear there later today.

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