Some Back Of The Envelope Math To Show How Spectacularly Stupid The NRC Sea Level Study Is

The report, from the National Academy of Sciences, found that the impacts of melting ice and warming, expanding oceans will hit California harder because most of the state’s coast line is slowly sinking due to geological forces. Ocean levels south of Humboldt County will rise up to 1 foot in the next 20 years, 2 feet by 2050, and up to 5 feet by 2100, the study showed.

Sea level to rise higher in California due to global warming, geology – :

In order to produce one foot of sea level rise, more than twenty-two feet of ice would have to melt across the entire surface of Antarctica. That would require one foot per year of melt, in places where the temperature never gets above -20C.

What kind of drugs are these morons smoking?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Some Back Of The Envelope Math To Show How Spectacularly Stupid The NRC Sea Level Study Is

  1. askdal says:

    Global cooling was in effect this morning at my place, rained heavy last night, 5-6 inches, temp down from105 2 days ago to low 80S today. Climate change seems to happen almost every year about the 20 or 21 of March, June, September, December. Some centuries and millenniums are a bit colder than others. Ice age and littler Ice age come to mind. Global melt, Scientific BS!

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    Or it could sublime.

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