2012 : The Year Of The Sea Level Scam

2012 will be remembered as the year when the primary focus of attention of the climate mafia was on sea level. It started with the amazing transformation of Envisat, which more than quadrupled its historical rise rate overnight – during the week before it was suddenly and unexpectedly terminated. The blink comparator below shows the changes – at the same scale on both axes.

Remarkably, the transition from a strong El Nino to a strong La Nina in 2010, changed in the graph from a several centimetre drop – to an increase. By some magical new physical law, cooling water expanded.

Since then, we have been bombarded with one mindless study after another claiming sea level rise rates that defy observation, physical law and common sense. The scientific approach is simple. The conclusion is reached in advance, the money is distributed, and then the researchers produce whatever bogus numbers are needed to make the funding source happy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 2012 : The Year Of The Sea Level Scam

  1. sean2829 says:

    This is Roger Pielke’s doing who has made a very good case for using global ocean heat content as a proper gauge for global temperature change and Gavin Schmidt who said sea level change might be nearly as good an indicator. From what I understand even the adjusted numbers are well below predicted trends by Hanson prior to the Argo deployment. Gavin already seems to be hedging his bets.

  2. Marian says:

    That Hooker’s having to work the streets because of AGW/CC. Climate change is supposed to make it hard for some women to find work.

    Working in an office is now out.. All the heat has blown up the air conditioning. Much cooler working at night on the streets.

  3. kirkmyers says:

    The scientific approach is simple. The conclusion is reached in advance, the money is distributed, and then the researchers produce whatever bogus numbers are needed to make the funding source happy.

    Perfect description of the process, Steve. Always follow the money.

    By giving government bureaucrats the scientific conclusions they seek, the “consensus” hockey stick charlantans in academia are assured of continued funding. They’ve shown again and again that they will resort to any subterfuge to keep the AGW scare story alive.

    More than a few of these climatologist-schemers should be prosecuted and jailed for defrauding the American public.

  4. suyts says:

    Well, they didn’t stop with Envisat……Jason II is in on the action, except more subtle. The measurements of dec/jan increased by ~4 mm……. between March and mid June.

  5. Well, hookers put their life and limb in danger to make their living

  6. I think the argument was that El Nino caused a lot of water to dump over land masses and when this returned to the sea slowly – during the La Nina – there was sea level rise as a consequence. This is claimed to be consistent with what the GRACE satellites measured. On the other hand I could not see the same pattern during other El Nino’s so I am inclined to wait and see how that observation holds up.

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