Jim And Karl’s Totally Bogus UHI Adventure

Adjustments to account for warming due to the effects of urbanization (purple line) cooled the time series an average of 0.1F throughout the period of record.

The cumulative effect of all adjustments is approximately a one-half degree Fahrenheit warming in the annual time series over a 50-year period from the 1940’s until the last decade of the century.

GHCN Global Gridded Data

The mechanism that NOAA used for cheating the Oklahoma temperatures last summer, was upwards adjusting all recent temperatures more than half a degree – without properly adjusting downwards for UHI effects.  Their total UHI adjustment is a ludicrous -0.06C.

Compare this to their own research.

Phoenix :

the urban locations displayed an apparent upward increase through the time series (1910 through 2000), which was attributed to the urban growth of the region. By the end of the series, there was a +4 to 7 ºC (7 to 13 ºF)difference between the urban minimum temperatures and the rural minimum temperatures. Interestingly, no upward trend was found in the maximum temperatures

National Weather Service – NWS Phoenix

Barrow – a small town:

During winter (December 2001–March 2002),
the urban area averaged 2.2 °C warmer than the hinterland. The strength of the UHI increased as the wind velocity
decreased, reaching an average value of 3.2 °C under calm (<2 m s?1) conditions and maximum single-day magnitude of
6 °C.


New York :

Surface air temperature readings from these stations show that the city was several degrees warmer than the suburbs, and up to 8°C warmer than rural areas within 100 km of the city, with conditions that had been sustained throughout the previous night.


By using a completely bogus token UHI adjustment of -0.06C (which is more than an order of magnitude too small) NOAA was able to smear in severely UHI affected nighttime temperatures, and get the average temperatures up for their press release.

Of course they failed to mention that maximum temperatures were much higher in 1913, 1934 and 1936.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Jim And Karl’s Totally Bogus UHI Adventure

  1. Eric Webb says:

    Wow, even after totally manipulating the data the temperatures in the 1910s and 1930s still end up warmer than the new ones. This is why I’ve lost all trust in NOAA and NASA, because it doesn’t matter what temperature you record now, they’ll just go back and change it later, then claim AGW or climate change was the cause for the the “unprecedented” increase in temperatures.

  2. Eric Webb says:

    Might be a little off topic, but more bogus claims coming from global warming crowd, the University if Nebraska said the drought was “record worst ever” in the United States. Wow, you’d think they have heard about the dust bowl before, or the drought in 1934, but I guess it’s just typical for the AGW crowd to ignore the past or facts.

  3. Pathway says:

    The weather channel actually had a piece on the UHI in Phoenix comparing the June average temperature when the population was 40,000 versus today’s 4,000,000. Junes current average is a full 6 degrees F higher. 86 degrees vs. 92 degrees.

  4. slimething says:

    Bill and Ted’s adventure was more believable……

  5. gator69 says:

    “Interestingly, no upward trend was found in the maximum temperatures”

    That must be some extra special pavement they are using in Phoenix.

    I know when I walk across the asphalt parking lot at work, that it is alot warmer than my green grass at home. And oddly enough, my home thermometer reads lower day and night temperatures than that of the city’s airport.

    But Phoenix is special. The warmists say so. They all agreed. Consensus.

  6. Andy DC says:

    With temperatures, it’s location, location, location. Anyone with a car themometer can see on a hot day that a lush park with a stream can be 5-10 degerees cooler than a heavily developed urban area. On a snow covered winter night, an open area in the country can be 20 degrees colder than the city. Or a valley 20 degrees colder than a hilltop.

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