NASA Science Is Not Part Of Any Natural Process Any More

Some scientists believe that this may be a natural occurrence, but the scale of the break has others concerned. “We’re still in the phase of scratching our heads and figuring out how big a deal this really is,” says Ian Howat, an ice scientist at Ohio University. Several of Greenland’s glaciers have been warming at a rapid pace, with data indicating that they’re heating up five times faster than the average global temperature. Temperatures in the region have risen by 4 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 30 years.

Scientist remain concerned over the shift in Greenland’s climate over the past three years, with NASA glaciologist Eric Rignot saying that the occurrence “is not part of natural variations anymore.” As to what will happen to the new iceberg, it’s likely that it will break off into smaller pieces and drift towards Newfoundland. A similar pattern occurred with another iceberg in 2010. Meanwhile, the Arctic saw the largest sea ice loss during June since records began.

What a load of complete NASA crap. Vikings farms are just now reappearing from under the ice. There is no question that Greenland has been as warm or warmer – most recently during the 1930s.

The Titanic wasn’t the only ship which collided with an iceberg in 1912.

24 Aug 1912 – Collided with an Iceberg.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to NASA Science Is Not Part Of Any Natural Process Any More

  1. scizzorbill says:

    Has anyone investigated rising heat as the source of Greenland’s ‘warming’? Rising heat makes Greenland’s neighbor Iceland habitable. Could it be? Naw, it’s C02.

  2. It’s actually caused by all the dams holding back water. See, ice breaks off when the molecules get too fat (trust me on this, I heard it from a level 14 physicist) and being sequestered in reservoirs makes the molecules gain weight. They evaporate and waddle over to Greenland, where they turn into ice molecules (don’t ask me about the chemistry behind that, I’m a physicist), and slide down on top of glaciers.

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