The Marxist In Chief Hates “Capital”ism

While Obama was pretending to be a community organizer, Romney was busy making money and pumping up the US economy at Bain Capital.

Bain Capital Ventures is the Boston-based venture capital group of Bain Capital, whose affiliates manage over USD 50 billion of assets. Founded in 1984, Bain Capital and its affiliates have invested in over 230 companies with such notable successes as Doubleclick, Gartner Group, Taleo, Profitic Logic, m-Qube and Staples. Bain Capital’s history of investing in early stage companies dates back to 1984, having made over 120 venture-stage investments since inception. Since 2000, the dedicated venture group has focused exclusively on growth investments. Bain Capital Ventures currently has over USD 1 billion under management and invests in software, wireless, information-services, healthcare, technology-driven business services, retail, internet and consumer businesses. Bain Capital Ventures makes investments across all stages of a company’s growth: from providing seed capital through offering late stage growth equity.

LinkedIn Secures USD 53M of Funding Led by Bain Capital Ventures

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to The Marxist In Chief Hates “Capital”ism

  1. Brian G Valentine says:

    I wonder how much Bain dumped into greenie weenie ventures.

    I do not know of a greenie venture that survived on its own, without some regulatory or artificial Government support to keep it going.

    Does anyone know of any?

  2. suyts says:

    Very sad it didn’t embed….. but it’s still a hoot to listen to! Obama couldn’t run a lemonade stand.

    • DJL says:,0,2313230.column?dssReturn

      Good artical in the Chicago Tribune by John Kass, its about the you didn’t make it on your own speach, but the last paragraph sums up Oboma’s view of capitalism:
      (have to register to read)

      “When President Barack Obama hauled off and slapped American small-business owners in the mouth the other day, I wanted to dream of my father”

      “It’s the same story with so many other businesses in America, immigrants and native-born. The entrepreneurs risk everything, their homes, their children’s college funds, their hearts, all for a chance at the dream: independence, and a small business of their own.”

      “And he offers an American dream much different from my father’s. Open your eyes and you can see it too. He stands there at the front of the mob, in his shirt sleeves, swinging that government hammer, exhorting the crowd to use its votes and take what it wants.”

      • LLAP says:

        I just read the article … excellent read!

      • gofer says:

        Obama’s administration has the highest number of people who have never worked in the private sector, including him. It seems, they are all paranoid and can’t stand the fact that somebody could have succeeded without their help. They so desperately want to feel needed. Any businessman will tell you it’s the govt. that’s a key obstacle in success. They sue you for absurd things like telling your employees they must speak English on the job. The roads, bridges, internet….all those things are just there, like a blank canvas, who some great artist paints a masterpiece on. Of course, Obama would tell the artist, he didn’t paint that picture on his own. Afterall, the artist might be sick if the EPA hadn’t forced the cutback of CO2. Desperation is not a pretty thing to observe.

    • Traitor In Chief says:

      I wish Sununu would have hit them even more instead of apologizing for anything. The only portion of his comments that will get replay are the apology. If Blitzer and his dingbats are offended about the remark that Obama was in Hawaii smoking dope and then lived in Indonesia, they are apparently offended by the President himself….because this is precisely what he says he did.

  3. Questionman says:

    President Obama has never claimed that workers must be allowed take control of factories and begin directing production towards the real needs of society as a whole. Or that property and capital is the root cause for division and inequality in America. If he did, that would make him a Marxist.

    Most people who call him a Marxist are doing it out of fearmongering when they have no idea what Marxism, Socialism, or Communism actually are. It sounds scary, so they call people who disagree with them a Marxist or Socialist.

    A marxist would never have bailed out private banks when he could LEGALLY have waited until they failed and had ELIZABETH WARREN at the FDIC take them over and make them government owned.

    I’t’s impossible that a marxist would ever do that. Anyone with a working brain and NO hateful bone knows that he is not a Marxist nor is he a Muslim.

    From what I can tell from the back summary it’s running off the assumption that Obama’s mentor is a communist so Obama must also be a horrible communist who will kill this country. I can smell the bias on this book from miles away.

    u wonder why America is ranked 17th in the world in academics because of ignorant people. U sound mall minded, racist, hateful people. Most of let bush have 8 years and Arapaio wanted more tv time because him and the governor are cynnical tyrants

    You can’t define what Marxism is nor point to a single policy that is Marxist in nature. That’s why this thread and all the others like it are a massive failure. Those of you accusing Obama of being a Marxist are completely ignorant of the theories proposed by Marx.

    Stop with this BS and admit once and for all that you hate having a black man as President of the United States!

  4. Traitor In Chief says:

    Someone needs to point out that roads and bridges were built with tax dollars confiscated from those very businesses they served ( along with everyone else) It wasn’t a gift. They helped pay for them, and without their enterprise, we’d have had much less to build with. Marxism is for Morons. This should be Romney’s new campaign slogan.

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