oedoakes202 • 10 hours ago
“You didn’t build that . . .”
– President Obama
July 27, 2012
Dear Mr. Obama,
Normally when you utter something so colossally idiotic I tend to see what everyone else does and if its all been done I’m not going to throw out my opinion on the matter. The “Obama Depression” is about to claim the last bit of my 401K and I’m trying to get this new idea off the ground so I’m a bit busy. This little letter writing gig is a voluntary effort, with all due respect to those who seem to think I’m a some famous writer grand standing their true self, or some rich guy doing this because I need to vent. I’m none of that. If I did make that claim I would be as bad as you. Because through out these reactions to that utterance I realized something.
You, Sir, did not build you. Please allow me to explain. Every step of your life has been prepared for you. Every moment you were pampered and buffed for the next phase like some kind of imaginary character in a television program. From your mother to your girlfriends to your job history and your lack of real world skills. It’s frankly miraculous that you kept the facade up for so long. To repeat; you did not build you, someone else did that.
Well, us common folk “Joe Doakes’s” out in the hinterland don’t have that option. We don’t have the safety net of a group of rich socialist friends that are going to protect us at every turn. We are on our own. And for every improvement we make in our lives there is someone out there, thanks to all of your class rhetoric, that thinks they have a legitimate claim on my labor or my dwindling wealth.
You never felt blame. You never had to stare back at your wife and explain why that second mortgage isn’t getting paid. You never had to live with less so others could have more. You never had to sacrifice what you wanted so someone else could have a shot. You never built a life on merit and exposure to risk nor attempted to serve the public good in the vain of politicians like Henry Clay. You never did that.
There’s this guy running for office. His name is Mitt Romney. He has done nothing but that. No one told him when to “zig” or “zag.” No one told him to do what when. He just did it. Mr. Romney is a “Do the right thing” machine. That’s what he does. He’s like one of those perpetual motion machines that you could buy. You can just count on it. That’s what America needs, someone it can count on to relieve it from the madness that is Washington D.C. by any means necessary. Because if you haven’t noticed you didn’t build that city.
We did.
Joe Doakes
Colorado Business Owners Speak Out On Obama’s Business Comment « CBS Denver
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To be fair, Barry did have a cocaine distributing business he operated for some time. But alas, even those manufacturing jobs were outsourced overseas.
oh my……………… Ha ha ha ha 🙂
Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.
How long have you been on the chain gang building roads and bridges? And more to the point, how did you build a business while building roads and bridges?
You’ll like that Steve
Good sign!
So…using Obamalogic – you didn’t build that – you didn’t get it done without government help
Shouldn’t we be releasing all convicts?
They did. It is called the IPCC.
They’re releasing convicts who promise to join the Republican Party or Teabaggers, or who promise to run climate change denial sites on the internet. It raises the ethical content of the prisons, the parties, and the denial sites, all in one executive action!
You are so full of shit. Why do you waste everybody’s time with your psychotic nonsense.
Ed Darrell, that liberal mainstream media garbage has seemed to have gotten to your head. You need a little does of reality.
“To repeat; you did not build you, someone else did that.”
This statement is a home run. It explains why Obama initially had no clue as to why anyone was bothered by his comment. He simply has no personal experience in this aspect of life, and no moral or ethical rudder to temper his affliction of acute narcissism.
The comment also exposes what he truly believes and his communist roots.
His main mentor was a guy he named in his book many times as “frank” but his full name is Frank Marshall Davis, and he is a hardcore communist, all the way back to world war 2.
The “Bank of Washington” built Solyndra, according to their CEO: http://dailycaller.com/2012/08/02/obamas-bank-of-washington-applauded-by-solyndra-ceo-in-email/
The chief thing the comment demonstrates is that many people will not hesitate to stoop to new lows in misattributing and misquoting the President. What Obama said was this:
Insert an “end block quote” after the words “second term.” Sorry for the foul up.
You seem confused. Romney has never been President. When he was governor of Mass unemployment dropped to historic lows.
You seem confused. Romney’s calling for a return to Bushonomics — you know, the policies that we had in place from 2001 to 2009. It’s as if the entire Republican Party smoked an eight-foot diameter, mile-long doobie, and forgot everything since 1995. When Romney was governor of Massachussetts, instead of modestly raising taxes, he raised fees on everybody, hitting especially hard at the middle class and merchants. Job creation in Massachusetts hit historic lows. Unemployment nationally was low; Massachusetts, not so much. Romney calls for a return to Bush policies — under which we had job creation of about 1 million jobs in eight years, compared to 23 million jobs in Clinton’s eight years. Job creation under the economic policies Romney wants to go back to was the lowest since Herbert Hoover — but Hoover only had four years, to Bush’s eight. Romney’s economic policies have been tried, and they led to the Great Depression of 2008 and 2009.
Are you working for al Quaeda, or Putin?
Ed, do you believe increasing taxes on the wealthy by $69 billion is going to balance the budget?
No, but it won’t push us closer to disaster, either. Do you believe taxing the poor and middle class out of $69 billion, to transfer it to the rich, is fair, or wise, or will help anything at all?
Uhmm, the tax is the money those people earned. It isn’t the middle class’s nor the poor’s. You do realize the poor don’t pay taxes, right? There’s no wealth transfer upwards. That’s a fantastic fiction.
Uhmm, the poor pay taxes, too. Under the Republican-demanded rules, to pass a rule cutting taxes, the income must be offset somewhere else. That is, taxes must be increased on everybody else to pay the rich. Poor pay taxes. Middle class — shrinking though it is — also pay taxes. Wealth transfer from the poor and middle class is well documented — just look at accumulated wealth, and how it has shifted, or look at annual income, and how it has shifted.
The rich are holding out on you. I think working Americans shouldn’t be ripped off — why not stand up for justice here?
More links below.
Wealth transfer, upwards:
Top 1% Increased Their Share of Wealth in Financial Crisis: http://blogs.wsj.com/wealth/2010/04/30/top-1-increased-their-share-of-wealth-in-financial-crisis/
General wealth inequality in the U.S.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_inequality_in_the_United_States
Unless you’ve got a couple of billion stowed away, you’re getting screwed by the GOP, and Romney promises to increase the torque and the pressure. If you liked the crash of 2008, with Romney, BOHICA.
Lol, yeh we’ve done so well with Obama. Towards your first link…. so what, they earned the money. This is exactly what the Laffer curve states will happen. Money anyone…. anyone earns is their money. It isn’t yours, it isn’t mine, it isn’t the governments. This is why there should simply be a flat tax. But, progressives don’t understand this …. so this is the results.
Income inequity. Yes, this happens every financial crisis. You should look at your buddy Soros. He’s excellent at causing a run and then selling short on bonds. It’s what he does.
Ed, to a degree, income inequality isn’t just acceptable, it is necessary. You don’t solve poverty by worrying about what someone else has. That doesn’t solve anything, even if and when the possessions of others are confiscated. We fix poverty by creating avenues to move people up and out of the bondage of govt dependency. … more to say but gotta run
Eric, can you quote Obama saying “Frank” was “my mentor,” instead of just a character he knew in Honolulu? You wouldn’t be making stuff up, would you?
No, you don’t seem to connect the dots between what Obama says and what he does with his past. You don’t get any of that watching liberal news mainstream news media. By the way, Obama’s quote was never taken out of context and perfectly correlates with all of his spending on more government regulations and programs. Him saying, “You didn’t build that.” was applying to the government’s role in business. His flawed ideology of economics is why this country continues to have a worsening economy, and in just 4 years under Obama, he has created more debt with useless spending than ALL of the the other presidents over the last century COMBINED. You need to wake up to reality and stop drinking the liberal kool-aid, it’s messing with your mind.
Eric, Ronald Reagan created more debt than Barack Obama, in percentage and total. George W. Bush laid over bother of ’em. I wish you’d bother to get the facts before you go off on a rant. You know what they say, ‘Don’t go off half-cocked; you’re liable to return the same way.’
Spending expansion under Obama is the lowest it’s been in 60 years — and you clearly have forgotten the disaster he was handed by his predecessor (I didn’t know you guys smoked that much dope . . . hope there’s a legal explanation for your oversight).
Reality? It’s here, and it doesn’t support your claims in any way.
Not taken out of context? Eric, here is what Obama really said:
We tried it the Democrats’ way, under Clinton, it worked; we tried Romney’s way with Bush (Romney admits his plan is Bush Redux) — we got the crash of 2008. You know, when a guy gets convicted of DUI for a big, injury-producing crash, when he’s drunk in court, we don’t give him the keys to a school bus and tell him to have fun. Experience keeps a dear school, Franklin used to say, but some will learn from no other. What do we do with you jack-a-napes who won’t learn from experience?
And no, “Frank” was not a mentor to Obama. Obama attended college at three of the great capitalist outposts in the world, for heaven’s sake. You don’t think that counts for more? Any rational person would.
Can you quote Obama saying, “Frank was not my mentor”?
If my advice can be of any help, you might try very carefully sounding out the words & perhaps even having someone read them aloud to you.
Surely you jest…
So, because he attended these capitalist outposts, that guaranteed his devotion to capitalism…
Hmm, guess that means all that stuff from Rev. Wright is etched in stone within his thought processes as well…
“I never had communism with that man”
There’s a version of ‘The Communist Manifesto’ with stains on it somewhere… 😀
I can’t believe you’d support a Black person. Shame on you, bro.
Ed Darrell, you seriously need to quit watching the lamestream news media. How did Ronald Reagan create more debt than Obama? Where do you get that load of crap from, because Obama clearly has racked up more than all other presidents over the past century COMBINED. Spending is OUT OF CONTROL WITH OBAMA, we have had NO BUDGET FOR 3 YEARS. How’s 5 trillion in debt for you, and counting? You also realize you didn’t quote what Obama said about “you didn’t build that.” Also, under Clinton, the deficit was reduced under his 2nd term, when the republicans took control of congress and passed a budget. Looks like special Ed here needs to get his head out of the sand.
Lol, Ed, I suggest looking at your nation’s debt: 15 trillion bucks and Mein Obama hasn’t made it any better. He likes minorities more than you. So you can continue to suck on Obama’s teat to get a slice of the pie, but in the end: you get nothing but empty air.
“Climate change deniers” – Oh wow. Really, who are the climate change deniers? Those who deny that what is happening is normal. Weather is not climate.