I do care that he has lied about where he was born at various times in his life. From reading his book, I’m not sure that even he knows.
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President Obama does seem to be a troubled soul doesn’t he .
For what it’s worth, I don’t care either..
I am grateful however, that Hansen doesn’t work for the JPL.. He’d be so busy adjusting that Curiosity would have missed Mars by millions of kms
For what it’s worth I do care where Obama was born . We have now heard so many conflicting stories and Sheriff Arapio in Arizona , who is a man who operates a large department and has a good reputation is still questioning the documents with no honest responce by the administration. I wonder that the congress doesn’t make an investigation . I think that corruption is very deep and pervasive in the political world and think that america as we know it is in serious trouble.
Based on what we are seeing from government climate scientists over the past year, almost everything from this administration is a huge lie.
Yes , I certainly concede that point to you . The truth is valuable and they are afraid if they use it it will wear out .
Exactly—that’s most likely the real scandal here: A man who chose to deny his American citizenship now holds the highest office in America. How that cannot disgust every American,
I don’t know….
It’s because some people live under a rock and watch the lamestream liberal news media, and think Obama is the best thing since sliced bread.
And I would add that many of them had a preconceived hatred for the American Ideal, that America was somehow the one ‘holding them back’. And then Obama became their miraculous ‘fixer’ for that. They were wrong on both counts.
left in brooklyn, you’re exactly right, couldn’t agree more
I do not care where Obama was born, but his current position as President of the United States in violation of the United States Constitution is further confirmation that:
a.) Constitutional limits on government, and
b.) Integrity in government-funded science
Have been been steadily disappearing since . . . .
c.) The United Nations was established on 24 Oct 1945, and
d.) Deceptive models of cores of stars [1] and atoms [2]
Were promoted with public funds to try to hide the energy source that is “Brighter than a Thousand Suns !“
See: http://omanuel.wordpress.com/about/#comment-720
I voted for Obama in 2008. Today I would support a vote to impeach him from office for lying.
1. Fred Hoyle, “The chemical composition of the stars,” Monthly Notices Royal Astronomical Society 106, 255-59 (1946); “The synthesis of the elements from hydrogen,” ibid., 343-83 (1946)
2. Hideki Yukawa, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (1946); Introduction to the Theory of Elementary Particles (1948) http://www.nndb.com/people/759/000099462
With kind regards,
Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA Principal
Investigator for Apollo
I’m still waiting for wot to acknowledge that peer-reviewed research which shows NO temperature increase in the Antarctic over the past 550 years.
He is on spam
Hey whats wrong with spam–i had two spam sandwitches yesterday!!
No human being knows where they were born even though they were present for the event. All people rely on second hand information which is often reliable, but not always. My earliest memory starts at age 3.
We have had a parade of liars go into that office, each apparently trying to outdo the previous. I used to think it started with Grover Cleveland but it now seems to stretch back to Chester A. Arthur, who was the first non-Natural Born Citizen. Not surprisingly most of them have a (D) after their name. This is the danger of precedent, it allows further evolution of the lies into more egregious lies. If the candidate is a liar, he must not be elected!
Chester A. Arthur (R) … burned his records before assuming the presidency when Garfield eventually died from the assassination. The records showed his father was not yet a citizen when he was born so according to strict interpretation of the Constitution he was not a natural-born citizen.
Grover Cleveland (D) … lied during his 2nd term by hiding cancer in the mouth, the serious operation done in secret under the justification that the crashing stock market would not be able to handle the news. The precedent of ‘for the good of the country‘ was established.
Woodrow Wilson (D) … hid the incapacitating stroke during his 2nd term even from a visit from a congressional delegation to check his status. His wife was de facto President for most of the time.
FDR (D) … went to such lengths to hide his paralysis from polio that only two photographs even survive. There were many other lies later as President (Communists in government, infidelity, and possibly hiding the Holocaust) but confiscating cameras and lying as a rule about such a large issue is unbelievable. This was a conspiracy of a large magnitude and started long before he was elected.
JFK (D) … major health issues and embellishment of his Navy career. He was practically an IV drug abuser due to the massive quantities of dangerous painkillers. The infidelity is legendary as is the conspiracy with the press to hide it, but his health issues led to at least one near-death experience and also affected his first meeting with Khrushchev where the Soviet premier ate him alive. Some say that the Cuban missile crisis is directly tied to this meeting because he saw him as an incompetent.
LBJ (D) … was lying for many years about his WWII experience and his infidelity while still in Congress. As President he continued from JFK, utilizing the same corrupt press to hide everything.
Clinton (D) … refused to release his medical records, lied about many affairs like Gennifer Flowers who had a tape, and now we know about Paula Jones and the likely rape of Juanita Broaddrick. Lying narcissistic scumbag abusing rapist of the first order.
Bush 43 (r) … looked like an honest gent until the hidden DUI surfaced. Even though it is not a big deal to most people, the idiot thought he could hide it! WTF!
DingleBarry (D) … where to begin. He is a Communist period. Raised as a foreigner, son of a Communist (or two), neither parent appears to have had any respect for the USA. He spent his political years in Chicago, surrounded by Marxist malcontents like Ayers, Axelrod, Jackson and that alone makes him the most corrupt person in the White House. His father was NEVER an American which cinches it according to strict interpretation as not being a Natural Born Citizen. Were he born elsewhere would also disqualify him which does explain the lies about the Birth Certificate, but it isn’t necessary to disqualify him anyway. Only a stupid American public could be counted on to pull the lever for such a scoundrel.
Great post, just about sums it up.
Chester A. Arthur (R) … burned his records before assuming the presidency when Garfield eventually died from the assassination. The records showed his father was not yet a citizen when he was born so according to strict interpretation of the Constitution he was not a natural-born citizen.
It is not a “strict” interpretation. It is correct interpretation. And both parents must be BORN in the United States. It is commonly known, and not even questioned, that Barack Obama’s father was born in Africa. This itself Constitutionally disqualifies Barack Obama from being President. It doesn’t matter if Arpaio can prove to everyone Obama was not born in the US. His father was not. So that already settles the issue.
Absolutely. I agree with that strict and correct interpretation. Only a declining civilization shirking its responsibilities would choose to disregard it. Like Rome, Vandals, Visigoths, we disregard it at our own, severe peril.
One thing though about Dumbo’s daddy, a president’s father and/or mother *can* be born elsewhere but must be citizens by the time the child is born (traditional Natural Born Citizen == child of USA citizens born in USA). I think what you typed was unclear: “Barack Obama’s father was born in Africa. This itself Constitutionally disqualifies Barack Obama from being President.”.
*If* baby daddy had become a citizen (NOT) *AND* it had been before baby Barry was hatched (NOT) *AND* baby Barry was hatched in the USA (open question) then he would be qualified.
It is a very simple function using boolean AND operators. Those NOTs cause the function to return FALSE. Consequently our dumbed down society chock full domestic enemies (leftist socialist swine) has tried to switch them to boolean OR operators which is the only way the function returns TRUE and only when the last statement, born in the USA is assumed.
That’ s exactly why they are hammering the born in Hawaii meme. Without it they have a complete illegal occupant of the oval office, but with it they slip in by twisting that simple logical function into something it is not. Barry is not qualified, he cannot be because of his divided loyalties because one of his parents was a foreigner.
You know it, I know it, all Constitutionalists know it, but unfortunately, we have to hope it is proven he was in fact born elsewhere so that the rest of the sleepwalking country will be convinced. Either that or we need an entirely new Congress that is willing to do its duty and block him in the electoral college if, God forbid, Dumbo is re-elected.
I just wanted to add something to what I wrote about our previous illegal president, Chester A. Arthur, before the thread gets to old. I went and found the story that uncovered this fact here.
The story was uncovered December 6, 2008 while Barry was busy preparing for his coronation. The author was busy running down the details about Arthur and his rumored ineligibility but soon discovered that those rumors in 1880 were incorrect. Yes, he was ineligible, but for a different reason than the Democrats of 1880 suggested, and it is a case nearly identical as the case of the current impostor, resident DingleBarry. You see, Arthur’s father was also a foreigner at the time of Arthur’s birth (but unlike Barry’s father, eventually became a citizen years later). He was never a Natural Born Citizen and he knew it. He covered it up with extreme prejudice. He set the precedent that Barry exploited.
What is eerie is that Barry has almost followed Arthur’s playbook to the letter. You see, it looks as if the “squeaky clean” Arthur, selected for the VP slot on the ticket at a time of great corruption and because he was the fresh face of reform up in New York, told many lies about his birth status throughout his life and eventually ordered the destruction of his papers upon assuming the office, which tracks nicely to the suspicion that Barry’s trip to Hawaii just before the election (when Granny died) was to rifle through her records. It is quite an interesting story really, and the parallels are incredible.
Note, that is the breaking story as it happened. Further discoveries came later as well but this is a nice starting point to research the fraud(s).
So, isn’t everybody wondering who no one has challenged Obungo on this?
Is it the power of the media to paint the challenge as racist? Or is it something else? Death threats from the mob? According to some of Hillary’s campaign team, this is the reason.
But if his father is Frank Marshall Davis, the disqualification due to Barack Sr.’s citizenship wouldn’t be the issue.
A possibility: Davis was daddy. Obama’s manboy love poem to him was titled “Pops”. Davis was reportedly bisexual. Barry has similar reports from Larry Sinclair and others. Davis appears to have involvement with nude photos of Barry’s mom. It is also reported that Anne had her parents leave young Barry with the possibly pedophile Davis once each week.
But Davis was much older than Anne, and married. Possibly she pined for the Sr. Obama, hooked up with him, and told him he was the daddy. He didn’t care, wasn’t buying, bailed to Harvard. She goes to Kenya to hatch Barry and suck in Barack Sr.’s family and thereby pressure him to marry her. He still isn’t buying. Family doesn’t know the truth.
This plan doesn’t work, so she returns. She makes some meager effort to legitimize Barry with the state.
When she marries Lolo, they move to Indonesia and Barry must take Indonesian citizenship. This would explain why he doesn’t have a SSN, and how he traveled to countries hostile to the US in times when that travel was forbidden.